Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 06 December 2021.

The original version of this Article contained an error.

In the Materials and methods section, under the subheading ‘Statistical models’,

“Moreover, 4 centre-point runs (9–12 in Table 1) were performed. Statistical models described by Eq. (7) link the process dimensionless factors, xj (j = 1.3), and their interactions (x1x2x1x3x2x3, and x1x2x3) to the process responses, yi (i = 1.5), i.e.y1 = cIAA,Ff × 104y2 = cIAA,Sf × 103y3 = EFy4 = KD, and y5 = ER. Regression coefficients, βki (k = 1.8, i = 1.5), were determined based on experimental data summarized in Table 1.”

now reads:

“Moreover, 4 centre-point runs (9–12 in Table 1) were performed. Statistical models described by Eq. (7) link the process dimensionless factors, xj (j = 1..3), and their interactions (x1x2x1x3x2x3, and x1x2x3) to the process responses, yi (i = 1..5), i.e.y1 = cIAA,Ff × 104y2 = cIAA,Sf × 103y3 = EFy4 = KD, and y5 = ER. Regression coefficients, βki (k = 1..8, i = 1..5), were determined based on experimental data summarized in Table 1.”

In addition, in the Results and discussion section, under the subheading ‘Statistical models’,

“Statistical models given by Eqs. (21)–(25) express the process responses depending on dimensionless factors and their interactions. Regression coefficients, βki (k = 1.8, i = 1.5), which were determined by processing the experimental data presented in Table 1, are summarized in Supplementary Tables S1–S5 along with their corresponding values of standard errors (SEki), t statistics (tki), and p-values (pki).”

now reads:

“Statistical models given by Eqs. (21)–(25) express the process responses depending on dimensionless factors and their interactions. Regression coefficients, βki (k = 1..8, i = 1..5), which were determined by processing the experimental data presented in Table 1, are summarized in Supplementary Tables S1–S5 along with their corresponding values of standard errors (SEki), t statistics (tki), and p-values (pki).”

“Moreover, all factors and their binary and ternary interactions in Eq. (25) (Supplementary Table S5) are statistically non-significant, i.e.pk5 > 0.05 (k = 2.8). Quadratic regression Eq. (26), where βk5 (k = 1.10) are regression coefficients, was selected to express y5 = ER.”

now reads:

“Moreover, all factors and their binary and ternary interactions in Eq. (25) (Supplementary Table S5) are statistically non-significant, i.e.pk5 > 0.05 (k = 2..8). Quadratic regression Eq. (26), where βk5 (k = 1..10) are regression coefficients, was selected to express y5 = ER.”

The original Article has been corrected.