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Ontario Is Getting Shoppers Drug Mart Vending Machines At Some GO Stations

Nothing like grabbing a toothbrush between trains!


When you're commuting between Ontario's GO stations, and you can only think about how you left your favourite lip balm at home, Shoppers Drug Mart vending machines will have the solution.

Metrolinx announced in a press release on Friday that Shoppers Drug Mart vending machines are now available at select locations across Ontario and filled with on-the-go essentials from the store.


Metrolinx riders will be able to buy everyday products like lip balm, allergy medication, toiletries and more while they're on the go.

Seasonal items like "sunscreen and umbrellas" will also be available, so if you're not prepared for the weather on a particular day, Shoppers may have your back (literally, they could save your back from a bad burn)

"Prices for items in the Shoppers Drug Mart vending machines will be the same prices as the ones found in the local Shoppers Drug Mart store," according to the press release.

You can find the new handy vending machines "on the second floor of Union Station Bus Terminal, in Burlington GO Station on the west end of the south building, and at Oshawa GO Station."

Vending machines outside of your typical chips and candy spectrum have been gaining popularity in Ontario, and you can get pretty much anything from a vending machine these days.

In Ontario, you can get Carlo's Bakery cake slices, pizza from PizzaForno, Dark Horse coffee, and even books from a vending machine, and now you can get on-the-go supplies from Shoppers Drug Mart.

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