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A Massive Ottawa Explosion Left 1 Person Dead & 5 People Are Still Missing

The explosion happened Thursday.

Toronto Associate Editor

One person is dead and five others are missing following an explosion that took place in Ottawa on Thursday.

In a news release posted on January 14, the Ottawa Police Service said that, along with the Ontario Fire Marshal's Office, the Ministry of Labour, Ottawa Fire and the Regional Coroner's Office, they are continuing with their investigation following Thursday's explosion at a business at 1995 Merivale Rd.

"Unfortunately, one of the three men transported to hospital yesterday has succumbed to his injuries this morning. One man remains in hospital in serious but stable condition, the third was released from hospital," police reported.

Police are still looking for five missing people who they believe were at the building at the time of the explosion. The identities of the four missing men and one woman are not being released at this time. All of their families and loved ones, however, have been alerted.

"Recovery and investigative efforts are underway at the site. The site is heavily damaged and these efforts and investigations will take time," police said.

"It is not believed that any survivors will be found."

"On behalf of the Ottawa Fire Services, we are extremely saddened by what happened yesterday," Acting Fire Chief of Ottawa Fire Services Paul Hutt said in a statement posted on Twitter Friday morning.

"This event is tragic and shocking and can be difficult for our community to process. I want to remind residents that there are people and resources available to help."

The Ottawa Distress Line can be reached at 613-238-3311, and is available 24/7 for emotional support, crisis management, and more.

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