Well, at least for now.
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After news broke about Microsoft acquiring Activision Blizzard, Call of Duty fans on PlayStation started to get a little antsy. What would happen to their favorite FPS franchise on the Sony platform? Would they have to make the leap to Xbox to continue playing?

After all, after Microsoft acquired Bethesda Softworks last year, it was revealed that Starfield and The Elder Scrolls 6 would be Xbox console exclusives. Call of Duty fans had that as a basis for their worries.

There hasn't been a clear answer as to whether or not Microsoft would continue to release Call of Duty after they finished honoring "all existing commitments." Phil Spencer took a moment today to say that there is a "desire" to keep Call of Duty on PlayStation.

The wording Spencer used is still very much open to interpretation. So yeah, while there is a "desire" to have Call of Duty continue on PlayStation consoles, that does not translate into a business deal being made that will turn that desire into an obligation. But these are just assumptions being made. In the here and now, it sounds like Call of Duty will still be released on PlayStation along with Xbox and PC.