How to Manage Sensory Overload in ADHD

Sensory overload is a feeling of anxiety that happens when you experience too much sensory input. It is a common feature of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Sensory processing disorder (SPD) can make it difficult for you to function if you become overwhelmed by senses including touch or hearing. When you experience sensory overload, you might feel anxious, overwhelmed, or even panicky. You may also have physical symptoms like sweating and a racing heart. People who are experiencing sensory overload may cover their ears or eyes to block out the stimulus.

This article will review the reasons why people with ADHD are prone to sensory overload, triggers, and how to cope. 

Overwhelmed child

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ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder 

Sensory processing disorder is very common in people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In fact, up to 60% of those with ADHD also have at least some of the symptoms of SPD. 

ADHD is often diagnosed in childhood, but around 60% of those diagnosed with ADHD as children will continue to experience symptoms as adults. Additionally, up to 41% of those diagnosed with ADHD as children will have some sort of ADHD-related functional impairment as adults.

Research has shown that children with ADHD tend to be over-responsive to stimulation, such as bright lights, strong smells, loud sounds, or certain physical sensations, which can cause them to experience sensory overload. Sensory sensitivity often persists into adulthood. Research has also found that adults with ADHD tend to report more sensory sensitivity than adults without ADHD.

A few of the symptoms of ADHD can make you more sensitive to sensory input, such as:

  • Lack of self-regulation: People with ADHD often struggle to regulate their emotions or reactions. Because of that, a sensation that is a minor irritation to neurotypical people can result in an outburst for people with ADHD. 
  • Trouble with transitions: People with ADHD often struggle with transitions, which is also known as trouble with flexible thinking. This can cause them to fixate on an uncomfortable situation and have trouble turning their attention elsewhere. 
  • Lack of awareness: People with ADHD are sometimes distracted, disorganized, or rushed. This can lead to sensory overload when they encounter a sensation they don’t like—like an itchy coat—but are unable to remedy it quickly. 

What Does Sensory Overload Feel Like?

When a person with ADHD experiences sensory overload, they can become so fixated on a certain sensation, that they’re often unable to turn their attention away from the stimuli or focus on other tasks. This can make it difficult to meet expectations at school or work. 

People experiencing sensory overload can have a range of emotional and physical symptoms. Not everyone will respond to sensory overload in the same way. Some of the symptoms you may experience include:

  • Anxiety 
  • Feeling overwhelmed or panicky
  • Disordered thoughts or an inability to focus
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability or agitation
  • A feeling of wanting to escape
  • Racing heart 
  • Sweating
  • Feeling faint or nauseous

A person experiencing sensory overload may react in an extreme way, such as by putting their hands over their ears or eyes. Children may have meltdowns or emotional outbursts. For some people, symptoms won't resolve until the sensory input stops.

A Word From Verywell

Sensory overload is like living in a world with the volume turned all the way up. Sounds, sights, and sensations are intensified. It can be really challenging to navigate through life with all that noise.

Symptoms of Sensory Processing Disorder

Some people with sensory processing disorder underreact to sense stimuli, which can cause them to seek out more intense forms of stimulation. But more commonly, particularly in people with ADHD, this disorder causes hypersensitivity to sensory information. This can present differently among individuals, but some common symptoms include:

  • Picky eating habits, particularly avoiding foods with textures that the person finds unpleasant
  • Trouble settling down after activities
  • Sensitivity to smells or sounds
  • Dislike of certain fabrics, clothing items, or shoes
  • Discomfort with certain movements, like swinging or riding an elevator

These symptoms might seem minor, but they can be severe enough to interfere with a person’s day-to-day functioning. In severe cases, sensory overload can lead to nutritional deficiencies or missing school, so it’s important to address the symptoms. 

Sensory Overload Triggers

People with sensory processing disorder can be overwhelmed by any of the five senses: touch, taste, sound, sight, or smell. They can also have trouble processing or be easily overwhelmed by other senses, including vestibular senses (head movements), proprioception (muscle and joint movement), and interception (internal bodily sensations such as hunger, thirst, or feeling cold).

People with ADHD are more likely to be overwhelmed by sensory input from any of these areas than people without ADHD. Common triggers of overstimulation in people with ADHD include:

  • Texture: The texture of certain foods, fabrics or body washes can overwhelm people with ADHD. This is one of the most common sensory overloads for kids with ADHD, and girls may be particularly affected.
  • Touch: The way that certain clothes or shoes fit can be frustrating and overwhelming, particularly for kids. Others might experience being overwhelmed by bed sheets or car seats.
  • Taste: Some people with ADHD are sensitive to certain tastes, although food aversions are more commonly caused by textures.
  • Sound: Loud noises like a fire alarm or even subtle noises like someone chewing can cause stress.
  • Smell: People with a sensory processing disorder might be especially sensitive to smells, even those that are meant to be pleasant, like perfume or cooking food.
  • Sight: Visual clutter can provide too much stimulation.
  • Multitasking: Sometimes working on more than one task at a time can make someone with SPD feel overwhelmed or anxious.

Treatment and Coping

ADHD is treated with a combination of medications and behavioral interventions. Treatment for sensory overload can be integrated into this protocol.

The best treatment for a sensory processing disorder is sensory integration therapy, which can be incorporated into physical or occupational therapy. Under this therapy, a person is exposed to sensory stimuli and learns how to respond appropriately. 

If you’re trying to address sensory processing and ADHD for yourself or your child, try these steps:

  • Speak with your healthcare provider: Sensory overload is common in people with ADHD, and your healthcare provider might have strategies to suggest. 
  • Identify triggers: Keep a diary to help identify the triggers or things that overwhelm you or your child. Where reasonable, avoid these. 
  • Learn self-soothing techniques: Practice relaxation or meditation techniques. If your child has SPD, help them learn how to calm themselves once they’ve become overwhelmed. This can be difficult for people with ADHD, so you might need to work with an experienced therapist. 
  • Follow a routine: A routine can help with predictability and mitigate ADHD symptoms like disorganization and trouble with transitions, giving more resources to cope with ADHD. 
  • Practice regulation: Find practices—like exercise, meditation, or painting—that help you or your child regulate their reactions and sensory input.
  • Reduce sensory input in your home: Blackout curtains and dimmable lights can help with visual stimuli. Avoid foods that have a strong odor and scented products like perfumes and laundry detergent. Buy clothing made from soft, non-irritating fabrics.
  • Make a plan: Avoid crowded or noisy places and have a plan to remove yourself or your child from triggering environments when anxiety sets in.
  • Use sensory aids: Sunglasses, noise-canceling headphones, and other tools designed to help filter out sensory input can help prevent overload.


Sensory processing disorder is common in people with ADHD. This condition causes problems processing sensory input.

People with sensory processing disorder may experience sensory overload in situations where there is a lot of noise, bright flashing lights, crowds, or other sensory input. Sensory overload may cause disordered thoughts, anxiety, panicky sensations, or physical symptoms like nausea and sweating.

You can manage sensory processing disorder by avoiding triggers like crowded places, using sensory aids, or keeping your home free from overwhelming sensory input. It is also important to see a healthcare provider if you feel that your symptoms are interfering with your quality of life.

8 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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  3. Lane SJ, Reynolds S. Sensory over-responsivity as an added dimension in ADHD. Front Integr Neurosci. 2019;13:40. doi:10.3389/fnint.2019.00040

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  5. ADHD and sensory overload.

  6. Attention Deficit Disorder Association. ADHD & sensory overload: Managing overstimulation in a fast-paced world.

  7. University of Michigan Health. Sensory processing disorder.

  8. STAR Institute. Understanding sensory processing disorder.

Kelly Burch against a great background.

By Kelly Burch
Burch is a New Hampshire-based freelance health writer with a bachelor's degree in communications from Boston University.