Game News

League of Legends patch 12.2 specific changes revealed

Published: 01:22, 12 January 2022
Riot Games
League of Legends - Lulu's W is basically an exhaust

A recent post by one of the League of Legends game designers has revealed the specific changes for the upcoming patch 12.2. The patch will should arrive next week.

Preseason has brought multiple changes to the game of League of Legends  which usually break the game for a couple of weeks and players have to wait for the right patch to drop.

One of the League of Legends game designers, Riot Phlox has League of Legends has revealed the balance targets for the upcoming patch 12.2.

The patch will include the following champion buffs:

  • Nocturne - HP per level will go up from 85 to 95; Q AD ration will go up from 75 to 85 per cent
  • Volibear - AD per level will go up from 3 to 3.5; E cooldown will go down from 15 to 13 seconds
  • Yasuo - Q AD ratio will go up from 100 to 105 per cent
  • Yone - Q AD ratio will go up from 100 to 105 per cent
  • Veigar - Q cooldown will go down from 7-5 to 6-4 seconds
  • Tristana - Base HP will go up from 559 to 600; HP regen will go up from 3.75 to 4
  • Senna - Q now slows enemies by 20 per cent for 2 seconds
  • Samira - R damage per bullet will go up from 0-20 to 5-25

Riot Games League of Legends - Talon

The following champions will get nerfed:

  • Shen - Q damage will be increased from 5-7 to 4-6 per cent of the target's max. HP
  • Talon - W bonus monster damage will go down from 130 to 105 per cent
  • Qiyana - Grass Zone Duration will go down from 3.5 to 3 econds
  • Lulu - W cooldown will go up from 16-12 to 17-13 seconds
  • Zed - R base damage will go down from 100 to 65 per cent AD