ABC4 Utah

Tools for parents to cope with anxiety

Maleah Day Warner, author and podcast host, talked mom to mom with Nicea and Surae about the challenges parents often face with anxiety. Warner shared her experience with anxiety she dealt with over the holidays and with the start of the new year, she hopes to open up the conversation and help fellow parents develop some coping skills to help. 

Anxiety can look like not being able to sleep, waking up in the middle of the night with an intense worry that something bad is going to happen. It can feel like a ticking time bomb that is about to go off. Many times it is not just one thing that triggers anxiety, it is a build-up of worries. 

Warner shares 3 tools for calming anxiety:

1. Count 5-4-3-2-1: Method for grounding in the present moment because anxiety is worry focussed on the future  

2. Talk to your brain: Differentiate between what is real and not real. Let your brain know that you are okay. 

3. See your doctor: Give your body chemical support through nutrition, exercise, and medicine if needed.


IG: @maleahdaywarnerwrites