
Free Whoppers

I am here to tell you I am offering free whoppers within this article. No, not those trash burgers from BK that have caused sewer problems throughout the world, but real whoppers. As in, white lies. I love telling whoppers. I have done it to my wife for 20 years. Also every boss I have ever had. However, I would recommend you do not do it to cops or an Army Officer if you are currently serving our great country. Not good. Now, onto my whopper manifesto...

Whopper #1 - Kirt Cousins will win a Super Bowl with a Scandinavian Pro Football Team

Whopper #2 - 12malututu is a great football mind, and super friendly

Whopper #3 - drockh loves Mike Zimmer and will invite him to his next wedding

Whopper #4 - Kirt Cousins will get vaccinated and run for congress as a progressive liberal

Whopper #5 - Dalvin Cook will play at least 14 games next season (lol, I always love that one)

Whopper #6 - Aaron Rodgers is humble

Whopper #7 - Kellen Mond will be a bust

Questions? Send them to RevengeKluwe. Capeche?


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