Testing DMT to Treat Depression

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Testing DMT to Treat Depression

Psychoactive drug DMT (aka N, N-Dimethyltryptamine) is known for its life-altering, metaphysical trips, but scientists are now looking into its potential to treat depression. Small Pharma, a Canadian drug development company, is working on combining DMT with regular therapy to ease depression in treatment-resistant patients. In September, the company completed phase one of clinical trials—the first company to do so—by testing DMT on volunteers. Now, Small Pharma will enter phase two of clinical trials, dosing patients with major depressive disorder. Because the hallucinogenic contains entities, dubbed “elves,” that bolster a trip’s spiritual nature—in addition to facilitating the growth of new neurons in the brain—researchers are hopeful that DMT could provide a breakthrough treatment for depression. Learn more about it at Futurism.

Image courtesy of Getty Images/Futurism

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