How to improve your memory

As a memory scientist, Tracy often gets asked, “How can I improve my memory?” The exciting news is that there is a growing body of scientific evidence to show us how to do that! Here are 5 tips based on your senses.

1) Sound

Read aloud

A fun way to get information into your long-term memory is to read aloud. This trick uses two pathways – speaking and listening, and has the most benefit in strengthening your memory.

2) Sight

Puzzle it

Jigsaw puzzles are for everyone! They are a great way to boost your visual memory and develop your ability to see patterns. Researchers found improvements to visual memory after 30 days of puzzle making (>1 hour a day), using puzzles of anywhere from 200 to 1500 pieces

3) Taste


Amount: 3 eggs per week (recommended)

Eating eggs can improve your memory scores. You are also less likely to show brain changes associated with dementia. WHY? Eggs contain choline, which is the precursor to the memory neurotransmitter, acetylcholine.

4) Touch

Draw (Time: 20 minutes)

Drawing on a blank sheet of paper and a set of coloring pencils can improve your working memory by almost 20%. WHY? Drawing requires working memory to plan and execute the picture you want create.

5) Smell

Vapor Rub

Odor cues more effective than visual cues when it comes to remembering autobiographical memories. Just 1 teaspoon of Vapor Rub can be an effective trigger of nostalgia if you are struggling to remember something from your childhood. WHY? Researchers say that odors are especially powerful in eliciting a rich store of memories.

Get more science-based memory tips from Tracy’s new app, Alloway Working Memory Assessment (on the App store and google play).

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