NAMBÉ — A look of disappointment flashed across Ed MacKerrow’s face Friday as he surveyed the damage a mountain biker had left behind on the fragile landscape of the Nambé Badlands north of Santa Fe.

“These folks are just going gonzo, you know, stunt riding off of hoodoos and fragile desert formations,” MacKerrow said as he stood atop a ridge overlooking the stunning scenery.

“It’s sad, too, because look at that beautiful desert vegetation there with the red tips on it,” he said, motioning toward a plant on a steep and once-pristine hillside now scarred with bicycle tracks.


Craig Allen, an ecologist who specializes in Southwestern landscapes, looks at where land was carved away from a ridgeline to create a new trail in the Nambé Badlands.


A tree was cut down by people creating a new trail in the Nambé Badlands.


Ed MacKerrow, left, and Dave Kraig walk their mountain bikes down a path where they don't want to compress the dirt in the Nambé Badlands on Friday morning.


Mountain bike tracks appear off the trail and over fragile cryptobiotic soil in the Nambé Badlands.

Follow Daniel J. Chacón on Twitter @danieljchacon.

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