Any Questions?

Any Questions #525: The end of the line

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Last week's challenge

Start with the phrase LEFTOVER DESSERTS. Rearrange the letters and you can spell a two-word phrase that we understand does NOT apply to the people at the first Thanksgiving. What are the words?



On-air questions: OK, Ian: we’ve played Categories on this show before, but since we’ve reached the end of the year, month-wise, we’re going to play a different version of Categories. I’m going to give you a category and you tell me the thing in that category that comes alphabetically last.

1. Nicknames of current Major League Baseball teams
2. South American countries
3. First names of U.S. presidents
4. 21st-century winners of the Academy Award for Best Picture
5. Songs by the Beatles that reached number one on the U.S. Billboard charts

Extra credit

1. Chemical elements whose names do not end in “m” or “n”
2. Women inducted into the Rock and Roll Hal of Fame as solo artists

This week's challenge

Start with the phrase LAST IN ORDER. Drop one letter and you can rearrange the result to spell two words (three letters and seven letters) that each name a part of your head. What are the words?


On-air questions

1. Yankees
2. Venezuela
3. Zachary
4. 12 Years a Slave
5. “Yesterday”

Extra credit

1. Zinc
2. Tina Turner