Correction to: npj Flexible Electronics, published online 7 July 2021

The original version of this Article omitted from the author list the 3rd author Pawel Jerzy Wojcik from redoxme AB, Research & Development Department, Norrköping, Sweden (Affiliation #3) and 7th author Peter Dyreklev from RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Norrköping, Sweden (Affiliation #1).

Consequently, the following was added to the affiliation list: 3redoxme AB, Research & Development Department, Norrköping, Sweden.

Additionally, the Author Contributions has been updated: ‘P.J.W. and P.D. conceived the original idea of the project. S.M. formulated the curing ink, carried out the inkjet printing, electrical and optical characterizations, interpreted the data, and wrote the manuscript through the contributions of all authors. M.K. carried out the Zn ink formulation and rheology measurements at the initial stage of the project, which was followed by A.S. at the later stage. N.H.A. performed the SEM, EDX, and FTIR measurements. Y.M. assisted in designing the test structures and designed and fabricated the demonstrator circuits. V.B. contributed to the interpretation of different data and discussions. All works were coordinated by D.N. All authors have approved the final version of the manuscript.’

This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.