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Liam arrives to tell Micki, Cordell, and Captain James that a body turned up in the construction site for someone who'd been missing for years --Mac Lippey.

He and Cordell try to work the case, but they spot a woman, and a car chase to catch her ensues.

Micki and Liam question the victim's younger brother and then talk to the owner of the construction site.

They keep seeing Mac's daughter Willa and think she knows more than she's letting on.

At the Side Step, there a bunch of awkward dates.

Stella was dared to go into the burnt barn at the Davidsons, but then some kids talked about getting bad luck if you went in there. She and Todd saw August try to climb it and then fall through it.

He then found an old lantern belonging to the Walkers buried in the hay.

Micki and Cordell catch Willa with a gun on Remi. She makes him confess his part in his brother's death, and Liam says the case against Remi is solid.

Cordell and Liam reconcile their differences and admit they made a good team.

Bonham accidentally slipped and told Trey to give Micki time to get over Garrison. Now, Trey is more confused than ever.

Bonham and Abby return from the fishing trip to see the party in full swing. They're very disappointed, but Abby realizes the ranch is home.

After having a heart-to-heart with Cordell, Micki returns home to find a post-it on her painting, asking who Garrison is.

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Walker Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

I'm going to need to see this through for my office, so I'm going to need you to listen to me more than you have lately.


It hurts to see your best friend die.
