SWISSto12 to Develop a Micro-Geostationary Satellite for the European Space Agency

SWISSto12 to Develop a Micro-Geostationary Satellite for the European Space Agency

ESA, Europe’s comprehensive space agency, active across every area of the space sector and bringing its benefits to people in everyday life, as well as to businesses has extended its support towards a small European telecommunications satellite. This telecommunications satellite is intended for launch into geostationary orbit some 36000 kilometres above the Earth – which can be used as a basis for future satellites.

The new satellite product line and its first protoflight model will be developed and built under a Partnership Project between ESA and SWISSto12, a small to medium-sized enterprise based in Renens, Switzerland. SWISSto12 – which will lead an international consortium – is already marketing this new satellite to commercial operators, which will be able to use it to stream data or broadcast television. The first satellite is due for launch in 2025.

Micro-geostationary satellites are a tenth the size of traditional geostationary satellites – typically one cubic metre. This makes them much more affordable to build and launch, enabling satellite operators to provide bespoke regional or gap-filling services that would not be financially viable using large satellites. Micro-geostationary satellites can also offer a competitive replacement option for certain legacy geostationary satellites that have reached the end of their lifetime.

Emile de Rijk, chief executive of SWISSto12 stated that MicroGEO satellites open up exciting new market opportunities that can suddenly be serviced from geostationary orbit, thereby offering a complementary solution to larger spacecraft currently on the market. They are thrilled to have partnered with ESA on their first mission. SWISSto12 will benefit from ESA’s experience and technical support to bring this new product to the commercial market.

Elodie Viau, Director of Telecommunications and Integrated Applications at ESA said that he very much welcome this initiative of developing a micro-geostationary satellite product line in Europe, led by SWISSto12. ESA works with small and medium-sized enterprises such as SWISSto12 to boost innovation and the competitiveness of the European and Canadian space industry in the global market for telecommunications satellites. They are looking forward to working on this new ESA Partnership Project to support their fast, dynamic and agile private space firms to de-risk their investments to meet the needs of the market.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Satellite