Your December 2021 Horoscope for Health, Love, and Success

See what this festive and fiery grand finale of 2021 will mean for your sign.

Photo: Alex Sandoval

Welcome to 2021's grand finale. Rounding out the year with a season filled with twinkly lights, cozy moments with loved ones, and sweet treats galore, December is replete with opportunities to revel in the moment and look forward to the future. The month's jovial-meets-industrious tone comes to you courtesy of the two signs that the sun occupies throughout the month: knowledge-seeking, free-spirited Sagittarius and hardworking, goal-oriented Capricorn.

Until December 21, the confident sun moves through wanderlustful mutable fire sign Sagittarius, which emphasizes adventure, learning, and truth-seeking. Then, until January 19, the sun shifts into pragmatic cardinal earth sign Capricorn, throwing the spotlight on your desires to set ambitious goals, get ahead, and earn recognition for putting your nose to the grindstone. The fire-to-earth energy that permeates this month lends itself to as much celebrating as it does standing in your sense of self and striving to make your big picture visions a reality.

A few quick highlights of December 2021's astrology:

On December 3-4 (depending on your time zone), the solar eclipse and new moon in Sagittarius wraps up an eclipse series that's been going on since June 2020. Think back to June 5, November 30, and December 14, 2020 and May 26 and June 10 of this year. A story has been told over the course of those dates, and you're now in the final chapter. Whether you're feeling a jittery nervousness or electrifying anxiety that's keeping you from getting a good night's rest, that's probably an indication that it's time to speak your truth and accept major changes that need to happen now in order for you to move forward.

Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 13th — where remains until January 2 — switching the tone of our communications and thinking from bigger-is-better to serious and driven. The same day, Mars shifts out of private Scorpio and into showy Sagittarius, where it'll inspire you to take action in a more adventurous, free-spirited way until January 24.

Around the 18th, you'll feel the vibes of the Gemini full moon, which will emphasize communication and idealization. The next day, relationship-oriented Venus kicks off its retrograde in Capricorn, slowing and throwing wrenches into all things related to relationships, beauty, and money until January 29.

The 24th marks the third and final square between taskmaster Saturn and game-changer Uranus, highlighting the current push-pull between restrictions, limitations, setbacks and a push for something new, exciting, electrifying, and novel. And on the 28th, lucky Jupiter moves back into Pisces where it spent a bit of time between May and July of this year, amplifying spirituality, dreams, empathy, art, and romance.

Want to know more about how December's astrological weather will affect your health and wellness, relationships, and career? Read on for your sign's December 2021 horoscope. (Pro tip: Be sure to read your rising sign/ascendant, aka your social personality, as well as your sun sign. You can find your ascendant with this online rising sign calculator or by getting a natal chart reading to find out.)

aries horoscope

Aries (March 21–April 19)

You rarely shy away from getting after what you want, Aries, but you'll be especially fired up to do just that around December 4 when the solar eclipse and new moon falls in your ninth house of adventure. Especially if you've been feeling unseen and underappreciated by people who expect you to stick to a mundane routine, you're prepared to do what you need to do to preserve your spirit. This could look like taking a leap of faith and applying to a job in an entirely different field or planning an educational or cultural trip abroad. Trusting your gut is key — and that theme will continue to be apparent as your ruler, go-getter Mars moves through the same zone from December 13 to January 24. And while the confident sun is in your tenth house of career from December 21 to January 19, you'll feel even more self-assured stepping into the spotlight to make your professional dreams come true.

taurus horoscope

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Around December 18, when the full moon falls in your second house of income, you could be debating whether a particular job, client, or project is worth your effort — especially if it isn't quite reflecting the dream scenario you had in mind initially. Now can be a wonderful time to take a step back to reassess how far you've come and where you want to go from here in order to feel truly satisfied and rewarded. Then, while the confident sun is in your ninth house of adventure from December 21 to January 19, you could be inspired to step further out of your comfort zone than usual. Having eye-opening experiences that boost your fitness, wellness, or mind-body skill set (maybe trying a new winter sport?) — even from the comfort of your own home — can assist you in making progress on your long-term goals and satisfying your appetite for new knowledge.

gemini horoscope

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

While action-oriented Mars is in your seventh house of partnership from December 13 to January 24, you'll be fired up to tackle shared goals with a friend, close colleague, or S.O. Working closely and leaning on one another's strengths sets you up for even more success than you'd enjoy flying solo. And while the confident sun moves through your eighth house of emotional bonds and joint resources from December 21 to January 19, you'll be more interested in deep, meaningful conversations that go much further than scratching the surface. You might also be entertaining the idea of collaborating financially or navigating a new investment game plan alongside a romantic or business partner. Either way, getting closer and allowing yourself to be more vulnerable can make for a transformative experience.

cancer horoscope

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Around December 4, when the solar eclipse and new moon falls in your sixth house of wellness, you'll be beyond ready to infuse more balance into your daily grind. Putting your well-being ahead of anything else and committing to more mind-body routines, sleep, sticking to your supplement protocol, etc. can feel incredibly revitalizing and empowering now. You'll also get a boost while go-getter Mars is in the same zone from December 13 to January 24. While messenger Mercury moves through your seventh house of partnership from December 13 to January 2, one-on-one conversations and collaborations should be especially fulfilling. And around December 18, when the full moon is in your twelfth house of spirituality, you'll find that carving out extra solo time to meditate and rest can help you tap into your intuition. What you reflect on now could serve to inspire and motivate you over the next month.

leo horoscope

Leo (July 23–August 22)

With a bevy of planets in your fifth house of self-expression, you'll be feeling especially creative and spontaneous. You can look forward to go-getter Mars being there from December 13 to January 24, boosting your desire to channel your most heartfelt feelings into an artistic project or fun-loving activities with friends and loved ones. And while social Venus is retrograde in your sixth house of routine from December 19 to January 29, you'll be hitting refresh on your everyday habits and rituals. If you've been missing in-studio fitness classes, you could dip your toe back in, or you might revisit a meditation app you haven't used in a while. Either way, now's your op to take your time exploring what truly feels best.

virgo horoscope

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Sag season is a wonderful opportunity for you to nest and get in touch with your inner calm, and around December 4, when the new moon and solar eclipse is in your fourth house of home life, you could have an epiphany about your foundation and sense of security. You could be realizing that healing certain old wounds is integral to paving the most rewarding path forward. Once go-getter Mars is in the same zone, you'll have even more energy and oomph to put toward this endgame. And around December 18 when the full moon is in your tenth house of career, you'll be feeling like it's time to put yourself out there and pitch a major long-term project to higher-ups or colleagues. If moving into the spotlight is undeniably your goal, trusting and believing in yourself even more now can set you up to step into a rewarding leadership position.

libra horoscope

Libra (September 23–October 22)

Around December 18, when the full moon lights up your ninth house of adventure, you'll be feeling like it's time to trust that there'll be a safety net if you take a leap of faith. The same old, mundane way of doing things — perhaps in terms of your career or higher education — just isn't cutting it for you anymore. You're craving new, eye-opening experiences, and now could very well be the moment in which you decide to make them happen. Then, your ruling planet, sweet Venus, will be retrograde in your fourth house of home life from December 19 to January 29, nudging you to reassess your foundations. You'll be reflecting on ways you can bring even more security and coziness into your life. And if certain close relationships have existed beyond their expiration date, it could be time to cut the cord. (See: What Your Venus Sign Can Tell You About Love, Beauty, and Money)

scorpio horoscope

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Sag season tends to illuminate your moneymaking game plan, and once of your co-rulers, go-getter Mars, moves through your second house of income from December 13 to January 24, you'll be especially fired up to reimagine your approach to bringing in cash. If you've felt undervalued lately, you can more easily take action steps that lead you to a more fulfilling career op. While social Venus is retrograde in your third house of communication from December 19 to January 29, you'll be reassessing your platonic relationships and the activities you've been pouring your energy into on a regular basis. It might feel like you're spreading yourself too thin, or simply giving a lot of yourself to bonds and experiences that aren't as rewarding as they should be. This period will be ideal for taking a step back in order to streamline and trim any of those unfulfilling commitments.

sagittarius horoscope

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Around December 4, when the solar eclipse and new moon is in your sign, you'll be fired up to overhaul your approach to long-term personal goals — and maybe even reimagine what those goals are entirely. Over the past year and a half, you've done a lot of soul searching, and now, you'll be able to channel what you've learned into a game plan that truly reflects who you are today. And while go-getter Mars moves through your sign from December 13 to January 24, you'll have even more energy to get the ball rolling. Whether you've wanted to start a business or consider a long-distance move, you have everything you need to make it happen. And thanks to messenger Mercury moving through your second house of income from December 13 to January 2, you'll be able to articulate exactly what you want to achieve financially, setting you up for more rewarding cash flow too.

capricorn horoscope

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Around December 4, when the new moon and solar eclipse is in your twelfth house of spirituality, you'll be going inward more than usual, tapping into your intuition and dreams to better understand what you truly need now — and how best to get there. Let's be real: Time spent on resting and mindfulness can feel a little bit lazy to you at times, because you'd rather be putting in concrete work to get to the finish line. But trust that recharging is actually the best thing you can be doing for your long-term vision now. And while messenger Mercury moves through your sign from December 13 to January 2, you'll be energized to put what you've been meditating on into words. This could be a prime time to propose that big picture project to higher-ups, redesign your resume, and reimagine how you're showing up in the world. Basically, as we move into your season, your personal brand is a major focus, and you'll be empowered to take even more control of how you're perceived out in the world. (

aquarius horoscope

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

The networks, groups, and friendships you've been involved in come into focus big time around December 4 when the new moon and solar eclipse falls in your eleventh house of networking. You'll be looking back at events related to this theme that have transpired over the past year and a half, and it's possible that what you've experienced is informing a new path forward. It's possible certain platonic and collegial bonds just aren't in line with your primary professional or personal goals anymore, and being honest with yourself about that now is a must if you want to move forward. And from December 21 to January 19, while the confident sun moves through your twelfth house of spirituality, you'll need a little more time to yourself. Being less than super-social might feel bizarre to you at first, but this hibernation period could be integral to getting clear on what you want to achieve in the coming weeks and months, as we move into a new year — and soon, your own sun sign season. (See: How to Crush Your New Year's Goals, Based On Your Sign)

pisces horoscope

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Around December 4, when the solar eclipse and new moon falls in your tenth house of career, you'll have an epiphany about what you want to achieve professionally. It could be that the vision you previously held is now outdated, and you've come to define success in a whole new way. Now's one of those moments in which your adaptability can really come in handy. The more open you are to significant change, the more successful you'll be. This is underlined by go-getter Mars moving through the same zone from December 13 to January 24. And around December 18, when the full moon falls in your fourth house of home life, you'll want to strike a balance between your personal and professional commitments. And because this moon's influenced greatly by your ruler, spiritual Neptune, you can pinpoint the best solution by tuning into your dreams and intuition.

Maressa Brown is a writer and astrologer with more than 15 years of experience. In addition to being Shape's resident astrologer, she contributes to InStyle, Parents, and more. Follow her Instagram and Twitter at @MaressaSylvie.

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