ABC4 Utah

Practicing self-acceptance

There’s a difference between self-esteem and self-acceptance that can be hard to recognize at times, but we have Kaili Spear joining us to help viewers understand the two. Spear is a podcast host who is discussing how to practice self-acceptance.

She said a few of the main differences between the two is that when a person has self-esteem, they’re only focusing on the positives and not looking at themselves as a whole. Acceptance is when someone is able to look at all aspects as themselves, even the negatives. Spear said while they don’t initially seem different those are the main aspects of it.

Some of the ways we can practice self-acceptance are through forgiving ourselves, being present in the moment, acknowledging our abilities, surrounding ourselves with people who appreciate us, and keeping a perspective of where we’re at. She reminded us that we can’t accept other people until we can accept ourselves.

To learn more on how to practice self-acceptance, watch the video above and listen to her podcast. Also, follow her on Instagram and Facebook for more advice!