The owner of Gable Farm Property, which is located near the Town of Hamilton, was found to be in violation of Loudoun County’s Zoning Ordinance and ordered to make several corrective actions by next fall, according to court records.

(2) comments

Mencken's View

"Did not observe an oily sheen", etc. Is that what passes for an environmental assessment? no testing at areas where liquids were observed leaking from dumped materials? no water quality monitoring? no comparison with baseline stream monitoring? Is this what passes for Loudoun County protection of public and environmental health? There of course is no penalty at all for lying about what you plan to do on your land. At most the county says tsk, tsk, and fines you...$200??? That is why there is rampant disregard for county ordinances by bad actors. They always get away with it. The BOS needs to take a sharp look at how county bureaucrats are governing this county. It's a disaster.


Have them remove the dirt and debris back to preapproval site plan levels.

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