Correction to: Nature Medicine, published online 10 April 2017.

In the version of this article initially published, some information was incorrect in the panels and legends in Figs. 1 and 2.

Fig. 1d
figure 1

Original and Corrected.

Fig. 2d
figure 2

Original and Corrected.

For Fig. 1d, right plot, one value for the ‘PDA Spl’ group was inadvertently not exported from the flow cytometry file. The correct Fig. 1d is provided here. Also, the n value in the legend to Fig. 1d (‘n = 5 mice/group’) was incorrect (although the statistical significance is correct). The correct n values are as follows: n = 5 for the ‘PDA’ group, and n = 3 for the ‘PDA Spl’ and ‘WT Spl’ groups.

For Fig. 1e, the legend indicates that the quantitative data (far right plot) are from five patients with PDA; however, no group contains five data points (as noted below). The correct legend should indicate that although the data were obtained from five patients, not all markers could be measured in all five patients because of limitations in cell yield and viability in the human experiments. Therefore, the CD14+ PBMC group contains two data points, the CD14+ PDA group contains three data points, the CD15+ PDA group contains four data points, the CD15+ PBMC group contains three data points, the CD11c+ PDA group contains four data points, and the CD11C+ PBMC group contains three data points.

For Fig. 1j, the legend indicates ‘n = 5/group’ (for the bottom plot), but the control group contains four data points, and the HKCA group contains three data points. The legend should indicate that one mouse in the control group was excluded from analysis because of tumor spillage from the pancreas at the time of implantation, which led to peritoneal disease. The results would not change if this tumor weight (0.45 g) were included, but it is more appropriate to exclude this mouse. In addition, two mice in the HKCA group were removed from the experiment after 2 weeks of treatment because of a lack of reagent.

For Fig. 2d, the far left plot lacks data from the ‘KC;Clec7a+/+’ and ‘KC;Clec7a+/+ + p-Syk inh.’ groups (one mouse per group). The correct Fig. 2d is provided here. The legend should indicate that one mouse in the ‘KC;Clec7a+/+’ group and one mouse in the ‘KC;Clec7a+/+ + p-Syk inh.’ group were excluded from analysis because the mice were runts (emaciated and poorly nourished). The results would not change if these mice were included in the final analysis, but it is more appropriate to exclude them.

These corrections do not affect the data interpretation or the paper’s conclusions.