English Dub Review: The Duke of Death and His Maid “The Duke’s and Alice’s Uneventful Day”



The witches’ Sabbath is over and the Duke tries to rid himself of a curse.

Our Take(Possible Spoilers Below):

The Duke imagined Alice in a white dress and yes it was exactly as you think it was. What a sweet and adorable couple they are, even if they aren’t technically a couple. But both the Duke and Alice are determined to lift the curse and try out multiple methods.

Alice brings in a cauldron that might lift the curse but her motives might not be the purest. She seems to be trying to brew a love potion. Want to know the best part about the magical cauldron she brought in? It’s a tsundere cauldron! It was hitting on all the stereotypes and I loved it. When it said “It’s not like I want you to do it dummy” I lost it.

Another way they thought to get rid of the curse was by playing a cursed sheet of music. The composer of the music, McFarlane, showed himself as a ghost to the Duke while playing. This leads to a hilarious exchange between him, Alice, and the ghost. The Duke was under the impression that Alice couldn’t see the ghost, and maybe she couldn’t and is just very perceptive but it was so funny. By playing the music so beautifully the Duke did lift the curse… the curse on the ghost that is. Poor guy can’t catch a break!

The Duke tries to use the suspension bridge effect to get Alice’s attention. Unfortunately for him she sort of had the same idea. I’m telling you these two are the best! I just love how sweet and funny this show is. Despite the kind of macabre subject matter, it is amazingly sweet. If you are ever feeling down and just need a pick me up this show will help I promise. That is the biggest compliment I can give this show, to be honest.