Offerings of Hope

As a child Thanksgiving was probably my least favorite holiday. It ranked behind Christmas, Halloween, and Easter because there were no presents or candy.

It meant going to a relative’s house that I only saw once a year. It meant having to watch the Dallas Cowboys on TV. Like many things, I just didn’t get it. But Thanksgiving was not about me or what I received or did not receive.

Thanksgiving in our country as a celebration likely first began with the Pilgrims at Plymouth colony in 1623 when Governor William Bradford declared a time for the Pilgrims to render thanksgiving to Almighty God for all his blessings. It was later recognized by both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in proclamations to the country.

The word we translate as thanksgiving in the English New Testament comes from the Greek word charis or eucharisteo which means “grace” or “thanks.” It reminds us that we have received blessings that we don’t deserve.

Thanksgiving is a time to recognize and acknow-ledge the grace of God in every area of our lives. It doesn’t require good circumstances, but rather an acknowledgement of God’s goodness to us. Even in difficult times, we can thank God for His love, forgiveness, presence, protection, and comfort.

True thanksgiving should be expressed. There was once a little boy who came home from a birthday party and was asked by his mom if he thanked the host. He said, “The boy in front of me thanked Billy’s mom and she said, ‘don’t mention it’ so I didn’t.”

God loves it when we express our thanks to him. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” We don’t have to be thankful for everything that happens, but we can be thankful in everything that happens.

Because God is our Creator, Jesus is our Savior and the Holy Spirit lives in all believers, we can offer our heartfelt thanksgiving, not just this week, but throughout the year!

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