CBS 42

A house divided: How one Birmingham couple handles the Alabama vs. Auburn rivalry

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WIAT) – The Iron Bowl brings a lot of us together but keeps some of us divided as we cheer on our favorite Alabama teams Saturday.

We met with Chandalyn Stephens and her fiancé Kevin Jones at Sleek Sports Bar Friday night. Stephens is an Auburn, Jones, full on Roll Tide.

 “I’ve been an Alabama fan since 1992,” Jones said. “My family is die hard Roll Tide. I tried messing with them saying I was going to go a little War Eagle but it didn’t happen like that.”

Stephens was born an Alabama fan but changed her allegiance in the first grade when her teacher turned her into an Auburn fan.

“[My teacher] was full on War Eagle and she persuaded me to be a War Eagle fan from there,” Stephens said. “It’s been an experience being the only War Eagle fan in a whole bunch of Roll Tide.”

Even with this in state rivalry, true love still blossoms for Stephens and Jones.

“We get into it, not like bad, but she be like y’all going to lose this game, okay,” Jones said. “Just cuz y’all don’t got Gus no more, we still got Nick.”

But then Jones started picking on Stephens for having two mascots.

“Don’t worry about my team and our two mascots,” Stephens said. “What y’all special? Jones asked. “Yeah, we very much special,” Stephens said.

 According to Stephens, Jones needs the elephant for luck at Saturday’s game. The fan of the losing team has to wear the rival’s gear until the next Iron Bowl.

“My favorite color is blue, so it works out for me,” Jones said.

Stephens said the rivalry is all about healthy fun.

“I feel like Alabama will give us a run for our money. I’m having faith in my team that we will pull through,” Stephens said. “If not, then I will be wearing Alabama gear for the whole entire year, so please pull through!”

You can watch Auburn host Alabama on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. right here on CBS 42.