Remote Work Under the Microscope: The Unexpected Challenges of Work-From-Home Life You Might Not Know

Over the past two years, remote work has become an increasingly popular mode of making a living. When you work from home, you can spend time with your family, play music as loudly as you like, and do yoga through your morning meetings. Though it sounds like a dream come true, it can also be a nightmare if you’re not prepared for the challenges of it. Here are a few lesser-known complications of a work-from-home lifestyle.

You could end up working too much

It’s easy to become overworked when your workspace exists in your home. You might feel the need to keep working because you want to accomplish one more thing before the next day begins. Eventually, this workaholic attitude can become stressful and cause serious health problems. Set an alarm on your phone for when it’s time to switch from working mode into family or rest time.

You’ll have more administrative responsibilities

When you work from home, certain aspects of your professional life go beyond your main work tasks. You’ll find yourself buried in administrative duties that you might not enjoy performing. For example, you’ll need to invoice clients, buy office supplies, and do other admin work that your boss typically handles.

One potential solution is to invest in a virtual office service. Virtual offices can help lighten the load when it comes to administrative work. These services help you with mail management, fax reception, and call-forwarding duties by routing your communications through a staffed location. You control everything from an app or web portal, so you can stay home without drowning in red tape.

Experiencing loneliness

When you’re working from home, it’s easy to become isolated and lonely. You might only see the people in your household for a few hours each week. Make an effort to meet up with your friends for coffee every so often and schedule firm family events.

Staying disciplined

It’s easy to lose self-discipline when your work environment is at home. You might find yourself staying up late and waking up later than usual to gain a few extra winks. That can cause problems when it comes to consistently staying productive during working hours.

A potential solution is to type out a morning schedule that includes your work times, meal times, exercise sessions, and family activities. Recreating the structure of an office job will help keep you on track during the day.

Managing disruptions to your workflow

You might have a hard time managing your workflow when you work from home. For example, family members or pets can interrupt you while you’re trying to remain productive. Ask for a commitment from family members to let you work without interruptions during your specified work hours.

Dealing with extra costs

Working from home often means dealing with a higher cost of living. For example, you’ll need separate Internet services and a separate phone line to keep in touch with clients. You’ll also need to invest in a dedicated workspace or computer equipment.

Becoming unhealthy

You may not take the time to exercise or eat healthy because you’re spending most of your time sitting in front of a computer screen. Make an effort to go for a walk each evening after dinner and before turning on your laptop again.

Wrap up

Work-life balance is critical, and it can be challenging to manage when you work and live in the same place. Thankfully, with a bit of discipline and communication, you can make the remote work model work for you.