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Eric Bischoff On Tony Khan’s Criticism Of WWE Contracts, Differences In How Khan & Vince McMahon Manage Their Companies

November 26, 2021 | Posted by Blake Lovell
Eric Bischoff AEW Dynamite, Tony Khan Image Credit: AEW

In a recent edition of 83 Weeks, Eric Bischoff discussed Tony Khan’s criticism of WWE contracts, the differences between how Khan and Vince have to manage their respective companies, and much more. You can read Eric Bischoff’s comments below.

Eric Bischoff on Tony Khan’s criticism of WWE contracts: “The terms of a WWE agreement clearly gives WWE the ability to cancel that agreement by giving notice. Here’s the difference though. I understand what Tony is saying and I applaud him for caring as much about his talent as he does, how could that be a negative thing, it’s not. But here’s the reality, again – WWE is a publicly held company, AEW is not. WWE has a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders to make decisions and manage their business in a way that will most benefit the shareholders. Would Vince McMahon personally prefer not to have to release this talent? I’m not saying he does or doesn’t, but he has no choice. Even if he did, he has no choice. He has to manage his budget and his business in a way that is most beneficial to his shareholders.

On the differences between how Khan and Vince have to manage their respective companies: “Tony Khan has to manage his business in a way that most suits himself. There’s a big difference between the two, and I think criticizing WWE for exercising fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders, whether or not you believe it’s also setting them up for a potential sale, take that aspect out of it. To criticize WWE for managing their budget in a way that they’ve been entrusted to by their shareholders and by law have to manage said budget in a way that is beneficiary to their shareholders – to criticize WWE for that is understandable but not the whole story. It’s easy, especially only because these are emotional situations for the talents that are being released. It’s emotional to a certain degree and with the fanbase because fans associate with a talent. They relate more with a talent than they do with Vince McMahon.

“So, I get it but I don’t think it’s necessarily fair to suggest because WWE is managing their talent budget in a new environment with new leadership in place in Nick Khan, new board members over the last year or 18 months. I don’t think it’s fair to contextualize that in a way that’s necessarily negative in terms of the company’s behavior. It’s just a fact of life. Tony’s got the luxury of only being in business for two years. Let’s see what happens a year or two years from now with the amazing roster, but amazingly large roster that AEW has. If Tony Khan is never accountable to anyone but himself, then he probably will keep that talent under contract for the rest of his life as he says. But if at some point he becomes accountable, maybe his view on that subject will evolve.”

If using any of the above quotes, please credit 83 Weeks with an h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.