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A Toronto Dog Was Stolen Outside Of A Dollarama & A Man Has Been Charged With Theft

Toronto Police brought the dog home safe.


A 12-year-old chihuahua mix named Spencer was stolen outside of a Dollarama on November 24 at 10 a.m. near Dundas Street West and Dovercourt Road and has found his way home.

Spencer's owner left him outside of the store and while she was inside "a man took the dog and left eastbound on Dundas Street West," according to a Toronto Police press release.

Spencer's owner, Monica Furman, posted to a local Facebook group Weird Toronto asking the public to help locate her dog at 11:05 a.m on Wednesday.

"Someone stole my dog while I was inside Dollarama on Dundas and Dovercourt at 10:00 am," wrote Furman."Please call police or call 416-858-3367 if you see him. His name is Spencer and he's around 27 lbs."

The elder dog was luckily not missing for too long. Toronto police told Narcity they located Spencer and returned him to his owner.

Furman updated her Facebook post detailing Spencer's rescue, "Spencer has been found!!!!! Scarborough fire department located Spencer with the suspect on a park bench outside a homeless shelter, feeding him scraps. He is on his way home!"

Spencer's owner says she has learned her lesson and will "never" leave her dog "alone outside a store ever again."

"Thank you everyone for the outpour of support. I am so humbled and grateful words cannot express," she added.

Toronto police were also able to apprehend the dog thief.

According to Toronto police, 39-year-old William Locke "has been arrested and charged with: Theft Under $5000."

Police say Locke "will appear in court at Old City Hall on February 2, 2022."

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