Career coach and LinkedIn expert (Linked Into Jobs); author and founder of The Job Search School. Learn how to find your dream job.

First, we experienced Covid-19, which transformed the workplace and job search altogether. Then, we had “The Great Resignation,” where millions of employees resigned from their positions to find something better. Now, just when you may have thought the job market couldn’t get any crazier, we have “The Great Divide,” which is the most concerning of all.

You’re not alone if you aren’t familiar with The Great Divide, which impacts the roughly 73 million baby boomers living in the United States. Since the beginning of the pandemic, many baby boomers have either lost their jobs or resigned from their positions for health concerns. Now, they can’t find work.

There are two reasons why:

1. Age discrimination. Though laws are in place to protect against age discrimination, bias due to age is alive, well and often not talked about within the industry. When employees hit 50, they can have a challenging time finding work even though they are the most qualified for the positions at hand. Throw Covid-19 into the mix, and it is a recipe for disaster.

2. Competition. Employers are desperate to find and retain top talent. While positions are plentiful, competition for them is fierce. Remember, more than 4 million people have resigned from their jobs every month since April, searching for something better. So, even though there are many openings, they’re challenging to snag — especially for boomers who may not have had to search for a job in decades.

All of this has led to baby boomers essentially dropping out of the workforce, choosing to retire early or go part-time (options that many cannot afford to do). Meanwhile, the younger generation is infiltrating the workplace and leaving less room for those more seasoned employees. Hence, The Great Divide.

What Job Seekers Over 50 Can Do

If you are over 50 and looking for a job, I want to take a moment to encourage you. Employers are, in fact, hiring. Yes, competition is fierce, but millions of positions are available. And because of this mass exodus from the workplace, employers want to find employees who will stay put. Boomers do.

Before you begin reapplying for positions, you need to understand how the job search process has changed over the past several years, as well as what you can do to be ahead of it. I cover these topics extensively within my training program at the Job Search School, so I know that making these small changes can net significant results.

Understand how the application system works and know it is not always so clear-cut.

The application process is complicated. For the most part, people are not sorting through resumes and applications — software systems are. Application tracking systems scan through resumes before a person reads them, scoring them high to low on a favorability scale based on the employers’ input.

So, if you are a highly qualified applicant, but your resume doesn’t exactly “match” the employer’s criteria within the ATS, your resume will score low. That’s why so many job seekers over 50 (and under) apply to position after position and only hear crickets. It can be disheartening, to say the least.

Optimize your resume.

There are several things you can do to better ensure your resume gets past the ATS:

1. Stay away from resumes with excessive formatting (borders, shading, images, etc.), as these could impact how the ATS scans your resume. Keep your resume clean and straightforward so it is easy to read through.

2. Recognize that no two positions are the same. Customize your resume for each position you apply to, emphasizing any skills or experience that matches the job description. Doing so will help your resume score higher on the ATS since your experience will align with the employer’s needs.

3. Focus on your most recent history, limiting your resume to the last 15-20 years. Anything over 20 could affect the ATS. What employer is going to list 20-plus years of experience as a requirement? Most will say 10-15, tops. I would remove dates from your educational history as well.

Do your homework.

Outside of perfecting your resume, there are other things you can do to make yourself more marketable.

1. Create a LinkedIn profile to enhance your online presence. Trust me when I say that having an optimized LinkedIn profile is critical to a successful job search. Almost every company (and employee) is located on LinkedIn, providing you with an opportunity to connect. If you do not have a LinkedIn profile, you are missing out.

2. Take some time to freshen up your skills by attending a continuing education course, seminar or conference. You can enroll in countless programs — both in-person or online — and sometimes at little to no cost. In my experience, doing so is well worth the investment of your time (or money) and will show you are active, engaged and committed to learning.

3. When you are contacted for an interview, take time to research the company extensively, familiarizing yourself with its mission, vision and current events. By doing this, you can develop some targeted questions to ask the interviewer and even determine if the role aligns with your own professional goals.

Lastly, be confident. The Great Divide is an opportunity like no other.

If I have told my over 50 clients this once, I have told them a thousand times: Your age is an asset, not a liability. The Great Divide is an opportunity to prove just that. With companies looking to attract and retain top talent, many are going beyond their usual checklist, pursuing candidates committed to seeing their position through. Boomers may very well be the best to meet that need.

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