Do LED Light Masks Really Work?

LED light therapy devices, including masks, have the potential to give you smoother, clearer skin. Read this before trying the skin-care trend.

The benefits of LED masks depend on the color of light used.Alan Rubio/Getty Images

They look robotic — like a Stormtrooper’s headgear from Star Wars — and promise to give you clearer, smoother-looking skin. Called LED light masks, they are what they sound like: devices illuminated by LED lights that you wear over your face.

Here’s what you need to know before you invest in the celebrity-beloved beauty trend.

Are LED Masks Safe to Use?

LED masks have an “excellent” safety profile, according to one review.

And though you may have heard more people talking about LED masks lately, they’re nothing new. “These devices have been around for decades and are generally used by dermatologists or aestheticians in an office setting to treat inflammation after facials, minimize breakouts, and give skin an overall boost,” says Sheel Desai Solomon, MD, a dermatologist in the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina. Today you can purchase these devices and use them at home. (Most of the full masks cost in the $100 to $500 range. More on this later.)

Social media is a possible reason you may have seen recent coverage of these otherworldly devices in beauty publications. The supermodel and author Chrissy Teigen hilariously posted a video of herself on X (formerly known as Twitter) in October 2018 wearing what looks like a red LED mask (and drinking wine out of a straw). The actor Kate Hudson shared a similar photo a few years back.

The convenience of improving your skin while sipping vino or lying in bed may be a huge selling point for LED masks — it makes skin care look easy. “If people believe [the masks] work as effectively as an in-office treatment, they save time commuting to the doctor, waiting to see a dermatologist, and money for office visits,” Dr. Solomon says.

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What Does an LED Mask Do to Your Skin?

Each mask employs a different spectrum of light wavelengths that penetrate the skin to trigger changes at the molecular level, says Michele Farber, MD, a dermatologist with Schweiger Dermatology Group in New York City.

Each spectrum of light produces a different color to target various skin concerns.

For instance, red light is designed to increase circulation and stimulate collagen, making it useful for people who are looking to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, she says. A loss of collagen, which tends to happen in aging and sun-damaged skin, can contribute to fine lines and wrinkles, research has found.

On the other hand, blue light targets bacteria that cause acne, which can help stop the cycle of breakouts, notes research. Those are the two most common and popular colors used, but other LED masks on the market use additional light, such as yellow (to reduce redness) and green (to lessen pigmentation).

Do LED Masks Actually Work?

The research behind LED masks is centered on the lights used, and if you’re going by those findings, LED masks can be beneficial to your skin.

In a study with 52 female participants, researchers found that red LED light treatment improved measures of eye-area wrinkles. Another study gave the use of LED devices for skin rejuvenation (improving elasticity, hydration, wrinkles) a grade of “C.” Seeing an improvement in certain measures like wrinkles can take some time, and they argue that more long-term research is needed.

When it comes to acne, one review noted that both red and blue light therapy for acne reduced blemishes by 46 to 76 percent after 4 to 12 weeks of treatment. In a review from 2022, the authors looked at home-based devices and their efficacy on a variety of dermatological conditions, ultimately recommending LED treatment for acne. That said, other research on blue light is far more skeptical when it comes to blue light’s ability to clear skin.

Research shows that blue light penetrates hair follicles and pores. “Bacteria can be very susceptible to the blue light spectrum. It stops their metabolism and kills them,” says Solomon. This is advantageous for preventing future breakouts. “Unlike topical treatments that work to ease inflammation and bacteria on the surface of the skin, light treatment eliminates the acne-causing bacteria in the skin before it begins to feed on the oil glands, causing redness and inflammation,” she adds. Because red light reduces inflammation, it also may be used in combination with blue light to address acne.

But it’s helpful to keep your expectations in check. “Not all at-home devices deliver the same strength that a clinical device can. What can be accomplished at home will not always have the same effect as what can be achieved at a dermatologist’s office, where treatment is calibrated and regulated,” says Solomon.

Another consideration is that you have a good skin-care regimen set in place to act in conjunction with light therapy. “This isn’t a good monotherapy. Light devices can help as long as they’re used with topicals or in-office treatments,” says Dr. Farber.

Are There Any Risks to Using LED Masks?

In general, LED masks are safe. There are exceptions to this rule, though. Be sure to follow these tips before trying one.

Do Your Research

Be sure that the mask you choose is safe. One of the more popular LED masks, made by Neutrogena, is currently under recall, as there are concerns of a “theoretical risk of eye injury” from the lights for some folks who have eye conditions or take certain medication, per the company’s statement. Wearing eye protection when using the device is good advice for anyone, says Farber.

Solomon advises making sure that the LED light therapy device you buy is labeled as FDA-cleared.

The Effects of Blue Light Are Murky

Some experts are also wary of blue light exposure. One study suggested that blue light can cause free radical damage, which breaks down skin’s structures and leads to aging, and yet other colors of light, such as red and green, did not.

“There are questions about whether or not people should be using blue light or if it can be damaging to skin. I think that’s something we need more information on,” says Farber. The exact role these devices that emit blue light for acne may play in that process is yet to be seen. Still, with that in mind, you may choose to hold off on the blue light treatment for now.

Talk to Your Dermatologist — Especially if You Have a Skin Condition

There is some research that has shown certain UV-free blue light devices can be used as a treatment for mild psoriasis. Similarly, one study found that blue LED light helped lessen eczema lesions. And a review noted they’re safe for people with skin conditions like eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis.

The best course is to visit your dermatologist first — bring in your face mask and talk about the best way to use it for your skin’s goals (timing, dose), which will help reduce the risk of side effects, says Solomon.

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LED light mask therapy may be beneficial for collagen production and killing the bacteria that cause acne breakouts, but they don’t replace your regular skin-care routine. As at-home devices, they may be less effective than in-office procedures at your dermatologist’s office. Take proper precautions before using them, including wearing eye protection and following directions, in order to stay safe while treating your skin.

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

Everyday Health follows strict sourcing guidelines to ensure the accuracy of its content, outlined in our editorial policy. We use only trustworthy sources, including peer-reviewed studies, board-certified medical experts, patients with lived experience, and information from top institutions.


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