Home News Gaming Big Battlefield 2042 Update Revealed for PS5 and Xbox Series X

Big Battlefield 2042 Update Revealed for PS5 and Xbox Series X

Major Battlefield 2042 Updates (Image: DICE)

Developers DICE promise that a new Battlefield 2042 update will be released this week that will help rebalance the game.

Current gameplay issues are looked at and the BF team tries to fix the worst issues first.

The good news is that three Battlefield 2042 updates will be released before the end of the year.

The next one will arrive on November 25 and fix a series of issues and rebalance certain vehicles, and it will be followed by a more substantial patch.

It seems unlikely that all these patches will help fix all of the game’s problems, but it will go a long way to assure fans that things will get better.

On vehicle switching, a message from DICE explains: “Our current focus is also on vehicle behavior. Since the game went live, we’ve seen the Hovercraft become a fan favorite for its high durability and combat effectiveness. We designed this vehicle to behave as an alternative to the LATV4, but not as an upgrade.

“In Thursday’s Update #2, we rebalanced the health of this vehicle to bring it more in line with design and ensure that the weapons are sufficiently effective.

“We also conducted a similar assessment of the Nightbird’s 20mm guns, which caused excessive splash damage. This will be fixed in Update #2, and we will continue to monitor the behavior of Vehicle Unlocks in case we find that we need to make further changes.”

DICE has also confirmed that these weapons changes will also be implemented later this week:

  • Globally reduced dispersion when zooming in and moving
  • Improved stationary zoomed in accuracy for many weapons
  • The spread now decreases faster and earlier at the rate of shots. This means more success with single-fire or short bursts.
  • Increased vertical recoil from the PP-29 to ensure the weapon doesn’t outrun when out of its intended combat range

And here are the other key patch notes shared for the next Battlefield 2042 update:

  • Improved Soldier Revives, targeting ‘unable to revive when a Soldier dies near an object or wall’.
  • A respawn protection system that helps prevent external issues that could leave a player in a down state for too long and force a manual respawn when needed.
  • Re-enable our UAV-1 Interaction in Battlefield Portal, available on our Battlefield Bad Company 2 maps. It was overpowered, and we made adjustments to account for that.
  • Vehicle balancing for the above mentioned LCAA Hovercraft and MD540 Nightbird.
  • The spread has been reduced for all weapons except Shotguns, resulting in a more consistent bullet spread during gameplay.

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