Novel ‘Girls Who Code’ program a success

Girls Who Code, front row from left: Deklyn Barth, Aaliyah Espinoza, Aurora LaTraille, Hayley Huffman and Jade Hovland. Back row from left, Alaina Buckanaga, Katelyn Melzer, Haylee Clark and Abigail Rutkowski. Not pictured, Natalie Gerner. 

Empowering women means equal representation, and in an evolving technological landscape, that includes behind screens.

The Zonta Club of Breckenridge-Wahpeton’s mission is to advance the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy. So when Zonta member and Wahpeton Elementary Instructional Coach Beth Higdem brought the idea of starting a coding program for young girls to the group, everyone was on board, Zonta member Heather Weber said.