
Coloradans should expect a higher heat bill this winter

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KREX) – You may have noticed Jack Frost nipping at your nose with temperatures dropping below freezing some nights. The bad news is with rising fuel costs, the US Energy Information Administration, says Coloradans can expect to pay more to stay warm this winter.

Rural parts of Colorado are expected to take the biggest hit.

This winter, propane prices are expected to rise an astonishing 55%, while natural gas will rise 30% over last year hitting $700 to $1,000 per household for the season.

The best solution, start conserving energy. Here’s a few tips. “One of the top tips we like to share to save energy during the winter time is using a programable thermostat or a smart thermostat,” Christmas Wharton, Grand Valley Power says, “The key to see those larger savings is by lowering your thermostat by seven to ten degrees each day when its night time or your away for at least six to eight hours a day, that’s when you’ll see the largest savings.”

Other tips include, seal drafty windows with tape, and put rolled up towels at the bottom of doors.

To find out if you qualify for professional weatherization assistance, help catching up on overdue utility bills or other assistance this winter, visit our website Grand Valley Power.

Other tips include:

Tip 1: Consider getting an HVAC tune-up and change your filter.

At the very least, it’s suggested to change your filter once a month or by the recommendation of your HVAC contractor. A dirty filter makes your system work harder – wasting energy and costing you money.

Tip 2: Use a programmable thermostat or invest in a Smart Thermostat.

Homes with high heating and cooling bills, as well as homes that are unoccupied for much of the day, can save approximately $100 a year with a smart thermostat if used properly according to energystar.gov.

The key to seeing better savings is lowering it down by 7-10 degrees when its nighttime or you are away from your home for 6-8 hours a day.

68 degrees is the typical suggestion to set your thermostat to.  Start acclimating to this by ticking down a degree per week. If you constantly adjust the temperature (or your significant other does) you’ll end up spending more, not less, on your energy bill.

Tip 3: Check for air leaks or drafts in your home.

Simple fixes include installing weather stripping on doors and around windows, while bigger jobs might include sealing leaks and adding insulation in your attic. You can find great suggestions based on your budget at energystar.gov.