Home News Gaming Fortnite Downtime: How long will Fortnite servers be down for update 18.40?

Fortnite Downtime: How long will Fortnite servers be down for update 18.40?

Fortnite downtime starts today (Image: EPIC GAMES)

As fans count down to the Chapter 3 launch, Epic Games has revealed its plans to launch the next major Fortnite update.

Patch 18.40 is now ready to be released after a week-long delay on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, mobile and PC platforms.

The good news is that the new update will add new content to the game, and with only a few weeks left until the end of the current season, there’s plenty of hype around what could be coming.

There’s been a heated debate over whether recent hints suggest Chapter 3 kicks off in 2021, or whether fans should wait a few months until 2022.

Whatever happens, fans will be keeping a close eye on each new Fortnite update as we get closer to the end of the current season.

The new patch is expected to add Naruto-themed content, including a Hidden Leaf Village creative hub and exclusive cosmetic items to collect.

A new trailer is expected to go live once Fortnite’s downtime kicks in later in the day, and it will contain all the latest news about the next crossover event.

New challenges and modes are expected to be announced, but we won’t know for sure until Epic Games releases its patch notes for November 16, which is expected to happen in the next few hours.

Expectations are also high that this will be the last major Fortnite update of the current season and that there will be some clues as to how things will play out in the coming weeks.

Fans are hoping for another big event, but nothing is guaranteed and the big fireworks can be saved for when Chapter 3 starts on its new island.


Fortnite’s downtime for update 18:40 will begin on Tuesday, November 16 at 9:00 AM GMT in Europe and 4:00 AM EDT if you live in North America.

Today’s maintenance window could last several hours, although Epic Games has not warned that it will take too long on Twitter.

They have set a maximum time limit for today’s Fortnite downtime, with maintenance expected to end before 12 noon BST.

A message from the Fortnite support team reads: “Believe it!

“The v18.40 update is scheduled to release on November 16. Downtime will begin at 4 AM ET (08:00 UTC), with matchmaking shutting down 30 minutes early.”

As mentioned above, the Fortnite servers will shut down 30 minutes before 9am BST meaning you could be kicked out of live matches.

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