opinionNovember 9, 2021
Retrograde is a scary word, but it’s not all bad! Check out this week’s horoscopes!
By Kailyn Veach ~ Brand + Project Manager
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Graphic by Kailyn Veach

Retrograde is a scary word, but it’s not all bad! Check out this week’s horoscopes!

On Nov. 5, Venus transitioned into Capricorn, where it will hang out direct until Jan. 28, 2022. Usually, Venus will only spend around 30 days in a sign, but on Jan. 29, 2022, the planet of love changes direction and will be retrograde until March 6, 2022. The big theme here? Commitment. In personal and professional relationships, keep manifesting those long-term situations.

Uranus and Neptune are still in their retrogrades, so that headstrong, problem-solver energy is still going strong.

Pisces, with Venus in Capricorn, your social life feels *spicy* right now. Try connecting with the people who inspire you and use their success to motivate yours!

Aquarius, self-care is key! Take things one step at a time rather than jumping in head-first.

Capricorn, your planetary ruler (Saturn) is squared with Mercury, Mars and the moon on Nov. 10, paired with Venus in your sign. This is a good time to focus on the big picture and make room for potential long-term commitments in your life.

Sagittarius, this is the time to focus on friendships! Don’t be afraid to be open and vulnerable with the people closest to you.

Scorpio, your charisma is off the charts this month, and with Mars and Mercury square with Saturn this week, it’s a good time for serious conversations about big life changes.

Libra, you may be craving stability in home and heart right now, but shutting everyone out is not the way to find it! Share your insecurities and build connections to increase those feelings of safety.

Virgo, feelings are DEEP right now. Take time to be with friends and let go of the stress of work and emotions.

Leo, the power of persuasion is in your corner! Your fiery charisma is your best asset, so if there’s something you want, go for it!

Cancer, sharing is caring! Now is the time to be gracious and forgiving with your resources, both financial and emotional.

Gemini, don’t be so hard on yourself — and don’t let your inner struggles bleed into how you treat others. You’ve learned so much about relationships and inner conflict, so let that knowledge empower you!

Taurus, things may have been feeling a little uncertain lately, but that stability is coming through! Feeling more secure opens the opportunity to be more intimate and vulnerable.

Aries, things might feel strained in your communication with friends, but try to approach these tough conversations delicately.

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