- The Washington Times - Friday, November 5, 2021

A new study of veterans’ medical histories published in the journal Science finds that the effectiveness of all three COVID-19 vaccines available in America dramatically dropped as the months wore on — by double-digit levels, in fact.

That’s science, folks. That’s taking a look at data through honest eyes and arriving at a truthful summary of the data, absent political slant, minus conflicted-of-interest consideration.

The vaccinations are hardly as effective as billed.

Here’s the gist: Researchers looked through the medical records of 800,000 or so U.S. veterans and discovered that in March, at a time when the delta variant was being bandied about as the next and biggest threat to citizens’ health and safety, both in America and around that world, that the vaccines from Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, and Johnson & Johnson were about the same in preventative powers — meaning, they were all about equal in their ability to stop COVID-19 infections.

Fast-forward six months.

The vaccines lost their effectiveness.

According to the findings — that is, according to the science — between March and September the two-dose Moderna fell in effectiveness from 89% to 58%. 

The Pfizer/BioNTech two-dose fell in effectiveness from 87% to 45%.

The single-dose Johnson & Johnson fell in effectiveness from 86% to 13%.

Factor in natural immunity and a case could be made these vaccines are nearly worthless.

“The three vaccines held up better in their ability to prevent COVID-19 deaths, but by July — as the Delta variant began to drive a three-month surge of infections and deaths — the shots’ effectiveness on that score also revealed wide gaps,” The Los Angeles Times wrote.

The Centers for Disease Control in August also found the vaccines lost effectiveness over time. In fact, The CDC studied this and reported it in three separate times.

From the journal Science: “Initial reports, including follow-up of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna trials, suggested sustained vaccine protection, but three reports of the [CDC] in August 2021 demonstrated protection against infection had declined in mid-summer as the Delta variant rose to dominance.” The journal went on to report that the CDC found “protection against hospitalization and death remained high.” But then again, the journal wrote, citing the CDC’s three studies, “Breakthrough infections, illness, hospitalizations and deaths have since continued to emerge in vaccine recipients.”

That goes to effectiveness — wouldn’t you say?

Read the CDC’s findings.

Read the Science findings.

But in the end, the takeaway is this: Individual choice, not mandates, is the way to go with these vaccines.

Want the vaccine? Feel safer with the vaccine? Take it; get it; do it.

But studies, findings, research and reports increasingly shed doubt on the effectiveness of these vaccines — which is why, by the way, the medical and pharmaceutical and yes, even political, worlds are pushing, pushing, pushing for boosters. They know the vaccines aren’t working — aren’t effectively and consistently and reliably stopping the onset of coronavirus or spread of coronavirus, so they’re hooking the American people on chemical injections they say will be effective. There’s that word “effective” again.

Vaccine mandates are evil. 

They’re not about saving lives so much as showing the power of government.

If Democrats, if socialists, if globalists, if collectivists, if elitists can force American citizens to take a shot that’s still, for the long term, largely experimental, and base individual liberties on compliance with these vaccine mandates — where does the power train end? What will be the constraints on government? 

What will be the eventual state of God-given liberties for individual American citizens?

The science is coming in and the science clearly says: Vaccines may work. Then again, they may not. It’s a roll of the dice. A luck of the draw. An outcome of effectiveness based on a slew of factors, some measurable, some not, some known, some still a mystery.

And that all leads to this one clear conclusion: individual choice. A government that runs with any other messaging is a government that’s trying to use the coronavirus for political, perhaps even economic, use — and that means, it’s not about citizen safety, it’s not about health and security, it’s not about the vaccines. It’s about control, power and dominance.

Vaccine mandates indeed are evil.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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