Lamorne Morris + Jackie Earle Haley in 'Death of a Telemarketer' Film

November 2, 2021
Source: YouTube

Death of a Telemarketer Trailer

"Rise & shine, let's play a game." Sony has revealed the official trailer for Death of a Telemarketer, a dark comedy about an ambitious telemarketer who calls someone he shouldn't have. This is arriving on VOD next month, if anyone is interested in watching a comedy about those people you can't stand to talk to on the phone. A smooth-talking telemarketer finds himself at the mercy of the man he tried to swindle. Death of a Telemarketer stars Lamorne Morris as a telemarketer who meets his match calling Jackie Earle Haley. Thankfully this trailer doesn't really reveal what happens next after the caller gets him, but at the same time, I have no idea how they're going to fill an entire film with this story. It doesn't look as creative or as crazy as Boots Riley's Sorry to Bother You, but I'm still curious to see where this goes. Check it out below.

Here's the official trailer (+ posters) for Khaled Ridgeway's Death of a Telemarketer, from YouTube:

Death of a Telemarketer Poster

Death of a Telemarketer Poster

Ace telemarketer Kasey (Lamorne Morris) is in a close sales contest with newbie employee, Barry (Woody McClain), and must score a big sale by midnight or he'll lose the largest commission. Out of desperation, Kasey waits until everyone leaves the office and finds the Do Not Call list. He thinks he's found the perfect mark, but instead finds himself held hostage and at the mercy of Asa (Jackie Earle Haley), the man he tried to swindle. Now Kasey must pass Asa's twisted test on ethics if he wants to live to sell another day. Death of a Telemarketer is both written and directed by up-and-coming filmmaker Khaled Ridgeway, making his feature directorial debut after a number of short films previously. This initially premiered at the 2020 American Black Film Festival last year. Sony will debut Ridgeway's Death of a Telemarketer in select US theaters + on VOD starting December 3rd, 2021 this fall. So pick up your phone and talk with Kasey?


Find more posts: Indies, To Watch, Trailer



Looks awesomely dark and funny. Right up my lane. Too bad Winston couldnt make it as a cop... All in

Tom Foolery on Nov 2, 2021


Risks of a bad job are always there out in open...

shiboleth on Nov 2, 2021

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