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You Can Now Buy Baileys Apple Pie In Canada & It’s Like Autumn In A Glass

Plus, recipes by Canadian influencers to inspire you.

Sponsored Content Contributing Writer, Studio

It's time to get excited for vibrant fall colours and recipes made with autumn's best flavours: cinnamon, apple and vanilla. If you're a big fan of all three, you'll want to make some room on your bar cart. Baileys has just released Baileys Apple Pie in Canada.

Every sip combines the taste of apples, cinnamon and Irish dairy cream for a drinkable version of this favourite dessert.

To celebrate the fall season, Baileys challenged three well-known Canadian creators to push the boundaries of what apple pie can be by creating treats that reimagine the classic dessert. With a nod to each of their respective cultural backgrounds, these recipes taste like comfort and feel like home — wherever that may be.

Try out the recipes below and transform the nostalgic fall flavours into a signature cocktail inspired by you.

Abhishek Dekate's Cardamom-Spiced Baileys Apple Pie Martini

Coutesy of Abhishek Dekate

Inspired by his Indian heritage and growing up experimenting in the kitchen.


  • 1 ounce Baileys Apple Pie
  • 1 ounce vodka
  • 0.75 ounce cardamom simple syrup (equal parts sugar/water and green cardamom pods)
  • Garnish: cinnamon sugar rim, whipped cream and cinnamon sticks

Method: Combine Baileys Apple Pie, vodka and cardamom simple syrup in a cocktail shaker. Shake, strain, garnish and enjoy!

Frédérike Lachance-Brulotte's Baileys Apple Pie Sucre À La Crème

Courtesy of Frédérike Lachance-Brulotte (captured on private property)

Inspired by Quebecois and French-Canadian culture.

Ingredients (makes two):

  • 2 cups espresso coffee
  • 2 ounces Baileys Apple Pie
  • 1 cup 35% whipping cream
  • 3 teaspoon maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup of sucre à la crème (maple fudge, for the rim of the glass)

Method: Combine coffee and Baileys Apple Pie. Whip cream and fold in maple syrup. Dip the rim of a cocktail glass in maple syrup, and dip again in sucre à la crème shavings. Pour the cocktail carefully into the glass. Top with maple whipped cream.

The Alley's Bailey's Apple Pie Crunch Bubble Tea

Courtesy of The Alley

A seasonal twist on the beloved Taiwanese treat, created by The Alley.


  • 6 ounces muscat black tea
  • 1 teaspoon cane sugar (or to taste)
  • 1 scoop (approximately 60 grams) tapioca
  • 1 Baileys Apple Pie ice ball (mix 1 ounce Baileys Apple Pie and 2 ounces milk and pour into a circular ice cube tray. Freeze overnight.)
  • 30 grams whipped cream, to top
  • 1.5 tablespoon Corn Flakes, to top

Method: Combine tea and cane sugar. Add tapioca and Baileys Apple Pie ice ball. Top with whipped cream and corn flakes.

If you're looking for a twist on the fall flavours you know and love, try out Baileys Apple Pie. Enjoy it on the rocks, over ice cream or craft your own creations. Don't forget to share your take on an apple pie-flavoured drink on Instagram using the hashtag #myapplepie.

Curl up by the fire and treat yourself — it's what the autumn season is all about.

To learn more about Baileys Apple Pie, visit Baileys website or follow them on Twitter and Instagram.
