Aggravated assault charge

Williamsport, Pa. — An officer with UPMC Police was grabbed by the hair so hard, Trooper Ronald Barrett said clumps of it were pulled from the officer’s head.

Montoursville State Police were able to restrain the man as staff at Williamsport UMPC worked to calm him.

Cody Michael Klinger, 27, of Williamsport was charged with several offenses after authorities said he threatened to harm himself before being taken to the hospital. Barrett said Klinger had to be restrained to the bed after he fought with staff, who attempted to calm him down. Klinger allegedly yelled while being restrained, causing patients in the hospital to become upset, according to the report.

Barrett said Klinger spit in trooper's faces as they attempted to restrain him to the bed. According to the affidavit, a spit mask was put on Klinger.

Klinger was charged with two counts of first-degree felony aggravated assault and one count of second-degree aggravated assault—attempts to cause bodily injury to designated individuals. Court records show Klinger was also charged with four counts of first-degree misdemeanor terroristic threats, four counts of second-degree misdemeanor simple assault, second-degree misdemeanor resisting arrest, third-degree misdemeanor disorderly conduct and harassment.

No bail was listed for Klinger.  

Docket sheet 

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