Looking for a job? Help is available

Alabama Jobs

By WVUA Digital Reporter Anneliese Taggart

Need a job? You’ve got options, and plenty of places where you can search.

Alabama Department of Labor Secretary Fitzgerald Washington visited Tuscaloosa as part of last week’s Civic Hall of Fame event, and he said there’s never been a better time for a job search.

While the national unemployment rate was 4.8% in September, Alabama’s rate was 3.1%. Jobs are out there, Washington said, and he encourages Alabamians to find one they’ll enjoy.

“We manage three career centers throughout the state, so we have been hosting a series of job events to let people know how to not just obtain a job, but launch a rewarding career,” he said. “(Job-seekers) can join and meet with one of the professional staffers, take an assessment and find out what one of their strengths are. We make the recommendation to an employer who’s looking to hire.”

If you’re looking for statewide employment resources, you can visit the Department of Labor online.

If you’re in West Alabama, you can check out West Alabama Works right here.

Categories: Local News