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Ryan Reynolds' Birthday Was Yesterday & His Insta Was Flooded With Messages From Celebs

So much love!

Senior Writer

Happy birthday, Ryan Reynolds!

The Canadian superstar turned 45 on Saturday, October 23, and he received a slew of messages from his A-lister pals, which included, of course, some trolling.

Soccer superstar David Beckham posted this pic on his Insta story of the two men looking particularly dapper, alongside a GIF of Deadpool holding up heart hands.

After he initially posted a troll-y message wishing Reynolds a reluctant happy birthday, Hugh Jackman posted another pic of a visit he had with Reynold's and his wife Blake Lively.

Celebrity trainer Don Saladino, whose Insta profile says he trains superheroes for movies, also showed the Vancouver-native some love on his special day.

His 6 Underground co-star Adria Arjona shared a somewhat gruesome image of Reynolds holding a prop eyeball, saying "I spy a birthday boy!"

And social media personality Arron Crascall posted a collage of some of the star's biggest hits (and misses!) on his story, saying "Happy birthday to this god!"

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