Cases of flesh-eating STD are on the rise

(WTRF) — Cases of a nasty sexually transmitted disease that was once thought to be rare are now increasing, says a report in the New York Post.

The STD is called Donovanosis and is flesh-eating, causing “beefy red” ulcers, says the New York Post. Other reports say bleeding can occur.

The New York Post quotes one doctor who says the disease is spreading in the United Kingdom, but had been mostly associated with other countries including India, New Guinea and Brazil. The CDC says it “is endemic in tropical and developing areas, including India, Guyana, New Guinea, central Australia, and southern Africa.”

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), “Donovanosis (granuloma inguinale) is a sexually transmitted disease that is rarely seen in the United States.”

The CDC says Donovanosis is curable through antibiotics.