San Mateo is adjusting parking rates downtown to ensure pricing meets use and occupancy, with plans to decrease rates on South Railroad Avenue between Fifth to Ninth avenues and increase rates at the Main Street Garage.

“I think it’s a fairly holistic approach. I am supportive of raising it where you think people can afford to raise fees and by the same token enhancing what we are doing for more affordable permits and low-income permits,” Councilmember Diane Papan said.

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(1) comment

Terence Y

Another article today notes the number of retail vacancies in downtown San Mateo and here we have an article about raising parking rates. Maybe it’s me, but I’m thinking that raising parking rates isn’t going to help anyone thinking about opening up, well anything, in downtown San Mateo. In fact, many patrons may just decide to eschew downtown SM or park in nearby neighborhoods if they absolutely must go downtown. For all those folks who work downtown, there is still plenty of street parking in nearby neighborhoods. Well, maybe not those roads put on a road diet for some reason or another. It’s almost as if SM wants to use their parking as an ATM, to the detriment of downtown businesses. But again, maybe that’s just me.

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