Heating up your home may be more costly this year

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – Morgan Holland is a homeowner in Springfield and will do anything that she can to make sure her home is energy efficient.

“It’s frustrating to hear that heating is going to cost more as well,” said Holland. “We usually challenge ourselves to wait to turn on the heat until Halloween. We are just big on keeping the heat down during the day when we aren’t home when we are away at work, turning down the thermostat and automating that, and just keeping a lot of blankets around.”

According to the latest US energy report, it is projected that US households will spend more on energy this winter due to higher energy prices and the possibility of a colder winter compared to last year.

Heating oil is expected to increase by 40 percent, natural gas 30 percent, propane 54 percent and homes using electricity could also see an increase by 6 percent. Experts say there are ways to cut those costs.

You can cut your heating bills by turning your thermostat back 7 to 10 percent for eight hours a day, like when you’re sleeping or not at home. Experts also say do not block your radiators or heating vents with furniture or draperies. Keep your radiators, and baseboard heaters dirt and dust-free.

Close vents and doors in unused rooms. Before winter hits check your home for drafts and leaks and seal up any cracks, holes, or gaps in entryways, walls, and foundation to prevent heat from escaping.