Springfield Public School looking for community input on new school name

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – The Springfield Public School Committee is considering naming the new Homer Street school after civil rights icon Benjamin Swan.

Swan was born in Mississippi but moved to Springfield in 1950. During the 60’s, he served multiple roles with the Springfield NAACP and marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Selma. He went on to be elected as a State Representative for 11th Hampdens District in 2009.

“Committeewoman Gresham has been a tireless advocate for the building of a new schoolhouse to replace the centuries Homer Street School building,” said Superintendent of Springfield Schools Daniel Warwick. “I think her initiative to rename the school after Representative Ben Swan, a local icon and a civil rights giant, is honorable and absolutely the right thing to do.”

The school committee launched an online survey so residents can voice their opinions. It will be open through October 29th.