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2 More Ontario Doctors Are Banned From Giving Out Medical Exemptions For COVID-19 Vaccines

Both of their practices have been restricted.


Two more Ontario doctors have been banned from giving medical exemptions for COVID-19 vaccines, COVID-19 testing and mask requirements.

Dr. Rochagne Kilian, a doctor in Owen Sound, and Dr. Mark Trozzi, an Ontario doctor, had restrictions placed on their practices on October 15 at 11:59 p.m, according to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.

Kilian and Trozzi will be required to post signs "in all waiting rooms, examination rooms and consulting rooms" that say "[Name] must not provide medical exemptions in relation to COVID-19 vaccines, mask requirements or testing. Further information may be found on the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario website at"

If Trozzi or Kilian are providing virtual care, they will have to inform their patient of their restrictions at the beginning of their meeting.

Along with other conditions, Trozzi and Kilian will have to provide CPSO with patient logs every two weeks or at their request.

Trozzi is currently listed with an inactive certificate of authorization status at his listed professional corporation as of May 28, 2021and has no primary practice listed.

In late September Dr. Patrick Phillips was also banned from providing medical exemptions related to COVID-19 along with certain drugs by CPSO and another Ontario doctor, Dr. Christopher Hassell stopped his practice at York Medical for the "foreseeable future" after allegations of him giving out COVID-19 related exemptions surfaced.

Health Canada has a robust website with all the latest information on COVID-19 vaccines and can answer any questions you may have.

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