As I See It: Racism and racists

A healthy society that works together for the good of all people must start from the bottom up; it will never happen from the top down.


In a letter in the Oct. 6 Echo Journal, the writer concluded by stating, “Denial is the sustaining strength of systemic racism.”

As with so many broad statements, the real meaning is found (or lost) in the mind of the reader. Some would have us believe racism is present and infecting every single aspect of our lives and society. Others will accept - as do I - that racism is one of the many issues impacting our lives and society.

Earlier in the letter is this section: “Sadly, I am a ‘racist’ and will no longer deny it. ... I am a racist because I am white and have had privileges ... because of policies and laws that favor my skin color.”

This statement ignores logic and reasoning and attempts to place blame and responsibility on the current generations for the past behavior of our ancestors and their societal decisions. It is about as inaccurate and untruthful as someone saying I am a sexual predator because I am a man.

If we are to solve the current problems and issues surrounding opportunity for all citizens, we must focus on the real problems and not our personal sensibilities and psycho-social needs.


In a later paragraph the writer states, “Systemic racism is rooted in laws and policies that are discriminatory.”

Easy to say; much more difficult to prove. In recent weeks I have read or heard so many statements that border on the ridiculous. Mathematics is racist. Requiring someone to show up for work on time is racist. Arresting people for misdemeanor crimes is racist. Standardized tests are racist - there’s some validity here, but the tests are not in themselves racist.

The real problems start with the family - the building blocks of society. When a child is born to a single mother, he or she is already behind. No amount of welfare, child care or other social programs are going to change that. A mother and a father together can provide the foundation of a successful life.

If you are a black child with a single mother and no identifiable or present father, it’s likely far worse. There is no societal remedy to replace the real family!

Somehow our social scientists and educators have come to believe they are better suited to provide formation for children than are their parents. Sadly, our public education system seems to be more interested in being a politically correct institution of indoctrination at the expense of a well-rounded education.

Somehow there’s the bright idea that preschoolers through the early grades should be exposed to sex education that seems to promote everything and every lifestyle that is in the far-left encyclopedia. Is that really the first step in developing a productive, functioning member of society?

How did we end up with so many “cupcakes” in our colleges and universities who are unable to handle a minimal level of stress? I don’t think they learned to be that way at home.

Racism and being a racist involve choices and actions; they are not simply states of being or emotion. It is no sin to be white or wealthy or employed or intelligent. The sin is if you are white, wealthy, employed, intelligent or all of that you should be allowed to discriminate against any person of color.


A healthy society that works together for the good of all people must start from the bottom up; it will never happen from the top down.

I say again, it will never happen from the top down. Did I mention that it will never happen from the top down?

That’s the way I see it.

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