david baldacci

David Baldacci has published several book series including King and Maxwell and The Camel Club, as well as many standalone novels.

Williamsport, Pa. -- Few people may be aware that the Friends of the James V. Brown Library (JVB), a public membership program which sponsors current library book sales in Williamsport, is responsible for drawing well-known writers and authors to the library’s yearly gala.

The events could not take place without community contributions. The Friends of JVB "are the premier sponsor of the author gala by funding the featured author's speaker fee," said Dana Brigandi, director of Development for the library.

The role of the Friends of the JVB is to "assist the Library by funding materials, programs, and services beyond the Library's regular budget, encourage volunteer service, promote the value of the Library to the citizens of Lycoming County, and advocate support for the Library," according to their website.

Internationally-known writer and best-selling novelist/screenwriter David Baldacci came to Williamsport in one of his first public events since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Baldacci entertained the audience with tales of his travels and experiences during his stop in Williamsport Oct. 6, including stumbling upon "David Baldacci day" in Barga, Italy, talking with a top forensic doctor about committing murder, and what famous actor will be starring in upcoming movies he's written.

In an earlier interview with NorthcentralPa.com, Baldacci said, "I've always been all in on this writing thing; it's what I've always wanted to do with my life. I spent decades doing something else because I couldn't make a living writing, but I was still writing full time and so I think it's really ... it's an inner motor that you go the extra mile, you do the research, do the extra planning and thinking."

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According to Brigandi, development director for the James V. Brown Library, the library’s Author Gala raised more than $30,000 to support programming.

The current book sale, another library fundraiser which is being held at Christ Episcopal Church, 426 Mulberry St., Williamsport ends Saturday, Oct. 16, The book sale will be open from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.

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