Central Illinois energy companies are getting ahead of it early, by issuing warnings to customers that they should expect higher heating bills during the winter months. And that's the last thing struggling Illinoians needed to hear.

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According to an article from centralillinoisproud.com, we may be in for a very expensive winter as Ameren and other energy companies are warning of price increases. In the article, they say that nationally some households could expect 50% or more increases to average energy bills and that a lot of this is due to Natural Gas is at an all-time high. So what can we expect here in the Quincy area? Well in the article they say...

"Ameren Illinois and Nicor Gas are warning their customers, turn up the thermostat and be prepared to pay up. Both energy companies have warned their customers that this winter could be more costly....the average Ameren customer can expect around a 30% higher bill this year compared to last year."

To read more information on this check out the article by clicking here! 

With so many people here in the Quincy/Hannibal area struggling to pay bills as it is this really is the last thing we needed to hear. We all know that the winter months are hard on us financially with buying gifts, food, clothes, and bills pile up, but the fact that the companies are warning us ahead of time means that they know these bills are going to skyrocket this winter. Definitely feels like the average American just keeps getting kicked while they are already down. Do you know of any great tips or tricks on how to save energy during the winter months without just turning off the heat?

LOOK: Here are 25 ways you could start saving money today

These money-saving tips—from finding discounts to simple changes to your daily habits—can come in handy whether you have a specific savings goal, want to stash away cash for retirement, or just want to pinch pennies. It’s never too late to be more financially savvy. Read on to learn more about how you can start saving now. [From: 25 ways you could be saving money today]

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