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By Heather Cherry— 

Waiting for the next big break, event, or decision to be made can feel like an eternity, especially if you’re going through a period of transition. But the act of waiting may feel even more difficult partly because we live in a world with instant gratification and access to nearly everything with the push of a button. 

The days of meaningless wait times for anything are gone. Long ago (or not so long ago for some), waiting was synonymous for things like:

  • Waiting for the dial-up internet to connect
  • Waiting for your favorite movie to be returned to the VHS rental store
  • Waiting for the book you coveted to be returned at the library 
  • Waiting for the mail so you could pay bills, view bank statements, or read letters from loved ones 

The list goes on. Today our lives are unabashedly more convenient in many ways—tools are constantly being created to provide immediate gratification. As a result, society has become conditioned to expect rewards instantaneously. This thought process can become problematic when experiencing periods of transition—especially when you might be waiting for the next big thing in your life to happen. 

Take J. K. Rowling for example. She grew up dreaming of becoming an established writer. Her life journey was not linear and faced many obstacles along the way. Rowling conceived the idea of Harry Potter while sitting on a delayed train. She then went on to face rejections by over a dozen publishers before finding success with her beloved series. 

Periods of transition can often help you get unstuck—whether the change is your choice or not—helping to propel you forward; although not always easy. When good or bad change happens in your life, you’ll need to adjust. Using healthy adjustment methods will help prevent negative effects on your mental health. 

If you're in a period of transition and waiting for the next big thing in your life to happen, here's how to repurpose those pesky negative emotions you may be having into strength.

Focus On Your Superpower 

Entering any type of transition in your life can spark feelings of chaos and overwhelm—likely instilling a sense of feeling out of control. When change becomes overwhelming, it can hurt your mental health and lead to a negative mindset, making the ability to manage the transition even more difficult. 

There are four stages to change: denial, resistance, exploration, and commitment. Moving through these phases is similar to how someone may move through grief. In fact, grief can be a part of the change, and a person is more likely to experience grief when they perceive change to be negative. 

When moving through the stages of change, people tend to gravitate toward the phase that feels the most comfortable. Sometimes you can fail to move forward due to your perception of change, and sometimes you can go through the phases several times before the change is fully consolidated.  

It might be even more difficult if you’re experiencing “waiting mode”—an attention regulation problem related to anxiety, and in many ways resembles rumination

With this in mind, it can be easy for negative emotions to arise. Repurpose negative emotions and focus on your strength superpower. To discover what your strength superpower is, ask yourself these questions. 

  • What feels easy right now? Easy tasks will help you get back into peak performance and boost confidence. 
  • How do you impress other people? Think about what people consistently come to you for, i.e., a particular area of advice or assistance with a certain task. 
  • What are your passions? Passion is more than what makes you happy—it includes what motivates you, even if it requires sacrifice. 
  • What makes you fearless? Think about a time when you felt fearless, whether in work or other areas of your life. That is a good indication of where your strength superpower lies.

Make The Most Of What You’re Feeling 

Maintaining a positive mindset is good in theory, but it’s also important to acknowledge that sometimes, negative feelings will happen—especially during a transition period. Don’t avoid those emotions, but aim to handle them in a healthy way. 

But first, it’s helpful to understand that emotions and feelings are different. Emotions are lower level responses occurring in the subcortical region of the brain—the amygdala—and the prefrontal cortex of the brain. Emotions create biochemical reactions in your body and alter your physical state—preceding feelings and are physical as well as instinctual. Whereas feelings originate in the brain’s neocortex—they are a mental process associated with emotions and are subject and influenced by personal life experiences, beliefs, and memories. 

When you experience a transition period, an instinctual emotional reaction can occur that alters your feelings. One of the most common emotions during any transition period is fear. Fear can manifest in a variety of ways—from slight hesitations to debilitating anxieties.

Other emotions you might experience can include just about anything. According to Mental Health Matters, the most common emotions during a transition period aside from fear are sadness, joy, excitement, dread, and overwhelm. 

One way to manage your emotions and feelings is by imagining a “best-case” and “worst case” scenario. Think about what might happen if what you worry about actually came to be. What would you do? How would you handle it? But also imagine what if the best-case scenario also came to be. What would that mean to you? 

Let Go Of Mind Traps

When you're in the midst of transition, you may also get stuck in some mind traps—negative automatic thoughts or “thinking errors.” You might be stuck constantly comparing yourself to others; thinking about the idea of "what was," or what could have been. You may be worrying or doubting where you're at—maybe you're even blaming yourself or someone else. 

Blame is a normal emotion during any transition. Trying to fault others for mistakes may help you feel more in control. Ultimately, blame is simply the discharging of discomfort and pain and has an inverse relationship with accountability. It can be a way to rid yourself of anger. 

In order to let go of your mind traps, use these five steps. 

  • Step 1: Separate your thoughts from reality. Think about the situation and only focus on the facts. 
  • Step 2: Think about your thoughts and what you are telling yourself. 
  • Step 3: Acknowledge the emotions you're having. Thoughts and emotions have a profound effect on one another. If you are experiencing negative feelings, you likely are having negative thoughts. 
  • Step 4: Identify your mind traps. Look at what you've listed so far, and analyze if any of these thoughts affect your actions. For example, if you tell yourself you're not capable of a new job or promotion, are you avoiding submitting your application? 
  • Step 5: Challenge yourself to think differently. The best way to break a mind trap is to look at your thoughts like they're a scientific equation and examine the "evidence." Then ask yourself, if your loved one was facing a similar situation, would you speak to them the same way you talk to yourself? 

There’s no doubt about it—transitions, even positive ones, can be hard. When faced with a period of transition, especially when you’re waiting for the next big thing to happen can feel like a never ending cycle of going nowhere. But when you’re up against negative emotions, focus on the facts, practice healthy ways to manage your thoughts, and remind yourself that your thoughts and emotions are distinct, intricately related, and can be experienced together. 

Heather Cherry is a Marketing Copywriter. Her specialty is authentic storytelling. She self-published, Market Your A$$ Off. She holds a master's degree in Professional Writing from Chatham University.

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