
How to cancel your HBO Max subscription

HBO Max is HBO’s answer to video streaming. HBO has been around for a very, very long time and used to be pretty much exclusive to cable and satellite TV, but since streaming has become one of the newer and more popular ways to consume content, it’s not surprising that the company has eventually pivoted towards the technology as well.

Given how long HBO has been around and how many movies they have produced under the HBO banner, they offer a pretty massive catalogue of TV shows and movies, many of which have gained a lot of attention in recent years like Game of Thrones.

That being said, we imagine that some of you might no longer find its shows appealing, or maybe it’s too expensive and you don’t watch it that much. If you’re wondering how to cancel your HBO Max subscription, then read on to find out.

Cancel HBO Max on your mobile device

  1. Launch the HBO Max app on your mobile device
  2. Tap the Profile icon located at the bottom right corner of the app
  3. Tap the Settings icon in the upper left corner of the app
  4. Tap Billing Information
  5. If you see the option to Manage Subscription, tap on it and then on the next screen, tap Cancel Subscription
  6. If you see a Learn More instead of Manage Subscription button, tap on it
  7. Select your subscription provider (for example you might have gotten a subscription through your carrier) and follow the instructions on how to cancel your subscription from that provider

Cancel HBO Max from your computer

  1. Go to
  2. Sign into your account if you haven’t done so already
  3. Click your profile in the top right corner of the website
  4. Click Billing Information
  5. Click Manage Subscription, then click Cancel Subscription
  6. Select your subscription provider (for example you might have gotten a subscription through your carrier) and follow the instructions on how to cancel your subscription from that provider

Keep in mind that like most subscription services, there will be a date that your subscription renews automatically.

If you cancel before that date, you won’t be billed for the following month. If you cancel after that date, you’ll be billed but you’ll still be able to access the service until the next billing date arrives, after which you’ll no longer be able to watch HBO Max’s shows anymore.

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