Letters to the Editor

Letter: Disappointed in the Assembly

I am profoundly disappointed to learn of the Assembly’s maneuver to pass the ordinance on masking Anchorage, when we were not allowed to have further public input.

I know some of the Assembly members heard our many voices and urgings, during public testimony, that this not take place, and I thank those who did listen and take constituents’ desires into consideration.

For those who, seemingly for political reasons, ignored the loud and abundant outcry against this proposed ordinance, I urge them to reconsider their position.

Such a stance forcing masks on everyone, taking away our constitutional freedoms, and destroying business freedom for such ignorance is an abdication of the Assembly’s civil responsibility to all of us.

I ask them to please reconsider very carefully and take a brave stand for what is right. Thank you again to Jamie Allard and Crystal Kennedy, who have demonstrated the character needed! I hope several others do the same.

— Kristine Gugel

Peters Creek

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