Gloria Victis v. Beta: New PvP Event and Bug Fixes

Gloria Victis v. Beta
Gloria Victis v. Beta Steam

Gloria Victis recently received a new update that fixed issues and delivered some quality of life improvements. These changes are for the beta version of the game. So, there is a good chance that there will be more changes before it reaches the live version. The User Interface for Character/Inventory got a small upgrade where character preview and full screen modes have been added.

The developers also added a new PvP event this weekend. It is basically a 5v5 battle where players fight for rewards and special items. This event, however, will only be playable on the SEA server. Don't worry, the developers have plans to launch events in other regions.

Gloria Victis v. Beta

QoL Improvements
  • New User Interface for Depot and PVP loot window.
  • Introduced an option to abandon a treasure hunting quest. This option will allow you to use the next map and find a treasure placed in a more attractive or available place on the map.
  • Greenleaf's accounts can now use abilities and attributes resets without limits. Greenleaf status is now removed on reaching level 50 with any character on the account. (It was level 40 before)
  • Ingame icons resolution has been increased to meet the 4K standard.
  • Improvements of the Quest Log and side panel: Different makers have been introduced for solo and group objectives. Added checkbox-like progress indicator.
  • Updated tutorial GIF for a step explaining how to check quests on the map.
  • Improvement to Combat Log: Added information about melee damage reduced by ally hits.
  • Improvement to Hit indicators: Added information when the released arrow hit an ally.
  • Spawnpoint gates leavers in the Sea Wraiths event were moved away from the gate and their interaction range has been reduced to prevent enemies from opening them.
  • Boars are placed more widely on starting quest areas, which will reduce situations where players are forced to fight multiple animals at once.
  • Increased the time between boars' attacks and speed up their animation to ensure better feeling and easier block of their attack sequence.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue allowing people to jump in and out of the buildable walls and towers through their windows. To cover all possible problematic edge cases, for example, prevent the attackers from bypassing whole layouts of fortifications, jumping through windows will not be available.
  • Fixed an issue causing arrows to be detected and blocked by a Gatetower collider in front of them which was meant to prevent building anything by the gates.

You can read more about the update here.

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